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When i found out about the 'passing off my Dad', i was not capable of going to school. I had the funeral coming up on the following Monday and I didn't not want to see anyone.

My teachers where very supportive and even some of the students. Most of those students came to the funeral but straight after the funeral i just went home. We had a party at our house and that's when most of them came to visit me. I basically just hid in my room.

I kept thinking of going back to school every week or so, but after 2 and a half weeks I managed to get myself to go. But before that i would always be siting inside or outside looking down to my pool or orange tree. I would always go for a jump on the trampoline sometime during the day.

But that's were i stuffed up because one day i didn't check the time and we live across from our school. I was jumping in my own thoughts and I didn't hear the bell, i had about 10 friends come over to see me and ask how i was going? When i would be back at school? All stuff like that. One of my best friends at the time asked "when are you coming back to school?".

"I'm not sure"

"Can you please come back tomorrow?" She asked.

"I'll try " i said.

I kept questioning myself on how did they know and all this stuff, but it turns out that the teachers had to tell the school because they would just keep asking questions.

I held my promise and went back to school the next day, only to face my worst fear. Everyone staring at me! Everyone saying there sorry for my loss! Etc. i just kept looking in front of me and then i got to the classroom and everyone was over me, i pushed someone over because they were just in my face constantly and then one of my other friends said that she had something for me and it was a teddy bear that i could hug.

Anyway i went on with my day and we had to do partner stuff, everyone was fighting over me wanting to go with me and i just could handle it, so i went with this guy.

It was alright but all the girls who had asked me kept giving me death glares and i was over it. By that time it was recess and i sat by myself and read a book in the corner where no one could find me. After recess everyone kept asking where i was? I just said "i was siting someone by myself reading". The day went on and at lunch time i could handle it so i went home.

There was one or two things i did learn that day: 1. Coming back to school so soon isn't the best for your brain.
2. You have to face the fact of going to school because everyone has too.
Authors note:
I'm so, so Sorry it took me so long it's just that i have been so busy trying to get ready for school and doing things with my family. Can you believe it 1 more week today and I've got school again...

Love you all

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