Depression and fighting

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I was so not ready for anything, I like I said i couldn't go back to school or do anything with anyone without tears falling down my face.

I was constantly siting in my room and doing nothing. Till this day I sometimes still do that, I fight with everyone because it's my way of getting it out of my system.

Depression, I suck at it. I have major depression and still do. I don't have bad days and I have good days, no one ever understands. I told my mum I wish I was dead the other day. I keep telling everyone that, I've put on weight and everyone teases me about that.

I had a boyfriend for 2/3 months and he broke my heart by liking my best friend. But I opened up so much to him in those 3 months, I told him all about me cutting and doing shit I regret. But somedays i don't regret it.

Once he broke my heart it all tatted again, he was first boyfriend and I couldn't and still haven't gotten over him.

He was an ass to me though, don't ask me why? I just I guess started having feelings for him that he didn't have for me. And he was forced into it so much, by everyone since we were talking to much through messages.

Anyway back to dad, he didn't realise and won't ever realise how much we hated him for what he did to us and especially to mum, but he won't ever get to realise how much I miss and love him.

I'm truly and so very sorry that I haven't been updating this book, I just haven't been in the right head space and I'm currently failing school. But please I will try and update this book once a week❣️
Love to all and remember to vote and comment xxx Bianca xxx

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