Questions i wanted answered!

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Trying to deal with it was had especially when you have been wanting to ask him all these question, that will now sit at the top of my head to ask him. i have always wanted to ask him a few questions like 'why did you leave mum and not want to be around us kids'. 'What's wrong with us if you had to leave'. 'Why did you leave for that so forth bitch'.
How am I ever going to get answers for my questions? Just wanting them to be answered because i cant ask anyone else. Especially not my family because they all think that m over it. To be honest I'm no where near over the death. I know its been almost 5 years in march 2017 now but they can't help me. No one can.

Ive been seeing a councillor because I've been having anxiety attacks and depression. The anxiety put me in hospital for 3 days because I couldn't drink, eat or anything. Seeing that i was pretty messed up. I keep asking my councillor to give me answered but he keeps telling me "no one is ever going to be able to answer the questions".

I keep thinking to myself after all this, are they telling me i have to die to get my answers or? What are they telling me? Just someone give me answers.

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