Where have i been?

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Where have I been? What have I been doing?

The truth behind everything....
My life isn't what everyone thinks, I'm not just a girl who lost her dad and is living the best life but still missing him. I'm the girl who had depression, sees a therapist and dropped out of school for mental health reason.

I'm also that girl who ended up in hospital because she can't keep going on with her life how it is....

You see... I miss my father, I got drama going on between my family (uncles and that), school become to much for me, life became to much for me!

I NEEDED HELP,  and I didn't ask for it.

I ended up in hospital under suicidal watch because I ended up being so bad, I needed help, I needed to talk to someone but me being me I couldn't I had to keep it in my self!

I had the ambulance at my door and I had the police check on my multiple times....

I hate it, I hate this life that I've been put through and I hate to say it but I do wish I wasn't here!

Sorry for the short story... wanna start getting back to this one soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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