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On the 23rd of may, only 4 days after all this it was Jakes birthday! Only to see him not happy on his birthday broke everyone's heart 💔. Everyone was all over him and you could tell he just wanted to be alone.

"Jake here's your present" uncle jack said. He took it but you could tell he didn't feel like it was the right time to open it but he did to make everyone happy.

Jake couldn't careless that it was his birthday, because all he wanted was HIS DAD.

To watch Jake go through so much pain and not have a happy birthday was sad and depressing. But by this point everyone left him alone.

Aaron had become a little bit depressed and didn't want to deal with any of this (He understood it a bit more then we did). Thinking of this 4 years later makes me sick 😷 thinking jake has to deal with his birthday 4 days after our father did is just sad
Authors note:
Sorry for the late update. I promise I'll try and update it every week. This family is just so crazy as you can tell it's only mum and my brothers doing everything.

Thanks so much xxx

Love you all and remember to comment, like or message of you have any problems xxx

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