1st prelude: Discord in the North

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???: What is this!?

The young soul couldn't bear to witness what is beyond the mansion. The scent of flames and blood fills the air, the houses burn like wildfire dancing to the wind and, the Grimm invading like a tide of fangs, claws, and talons thirsty for blood. There was death at every corner. Screams, wails, and panic that can be heard for miles and miles  could fill a man with fear. As the young soul gazed from his veranda, the servants rushed to his side.*

Servant 1: Young master! Please come inside, it is dangerous here.

Servant 2: Follow us Daemon, we must leave.  The servants quickly grabbed Daemon then leads him to the main hall.*

Daemon: Where are we going?

Servant 1: We must escape the mansion.

Daemon: Why? What about father and my brother?

Servant 2: The reason the Grimm are here is because of a coup.

Daemon: A coup?

A sudden noise of a door broken down came from the front door.*

Mercenary: Raid the house and get the children. Kill anyone else.

Raider: There! A boy and two faunus. Waste em!

Servants: screams* Young master, get back! As the attackers prepare to lunge, a mysterious figure appeared before them.*

???: Stay away from my son! The man materializes a giant hand wielding a large broadsword to parry then knock them away.*

Mercenary and Raiders: Gaaaahhhh!

Daemon: Father!

Lord Ignis: You two! Get Daemon and go! Flee from the city!

Servants: Y-yes Milord!
They both snatched Daemon without a second thought.*

Daemon: Wait! Let me go! Father, where's Nova!? Where's my brother!?

Occupied in fighting  the father didn't perceive his son's voice. From the hall to the courtyard, the servants continue to lead Daemon to safety. When a cry for help can be heard from the east side of the mansion.*

Daemon:Tha-.. That voice.. It's Nova! Daemon breaks free of the servants grasp and dashes to Nova.*

Servant 1: Young Master! No!

Upon reaching the room where Nova's voice came from, Daemon sees before him his brother bleeding on the floor and his uncle, with weapon in hand, soaked in blood.*

Daemon: N-Nova!? U-Uncle Damian!?

Damian: There you are, you little brat! You'll die by my hand!

Damian prepares to stab the shocked Daemon. Lunges however, before reaching him, is interrupted and halted  by Milord Ignis accompanied by Agate.*

Damian: Well, good evening brother.

Lord Ignis: Damian, you conniving bastard! pushes him away* Why!? Why do this Damian!?

Damian: strikes* As if I'd tell you freely.

The two continued to exchange attacks while Agate secures Daemon.*

Agate: Daemon! You ok?

Daemon: Agate....

Lord Ignis: Agate! Take Daemon and go! And no matter what, do not let go of him. Understood!?

Agate: Milord.....

Damian: You won't escape! Damian manages to slip through Lord Ignis' defense and slashed Daemon's chest*

Milord Ignis and Agate: Daemon!

Lord Ignis punched Damian through the next room*


Agate: clenches* Yes! Milord!* Agate grabbed Daemon and tries to escape*

Daemon: Bleeding and in shock* Wait! Father! Nova! NO!! NOO!

All became silent and black then our young soul awakens*

Daemon: screams loudly*

Agate: Whoa! Agate falls from his bed* D! What's wrong!?

Daemon: I'm fine! it's just.... just a dream.

Agate: ........ Ok. Well, now that you're awake, let's get ready. Our transportation will be here in a few hours.

Daemon: Right. Beacon? Was it?

Agate: Yeah. We'll by enrolling as first years directly.

Daemon: Ok, just give me a sec. Daemon looks at his chest scar and thought*. This wound from 8 years ago still feels like it's burning. 

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