Chapter 7: Chipped Gem

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After the match, Team DARK and Arizona, returns to the dorm and into Team ASTR's dorm room.

Rita: Hey! How'd it go?

Arizona: Daemon kicked ass!

Trevor: He and the bully fought each other?

Kyrenia: Indeed! It was splendid!

Rita: That's great and all but we're still in the dark as to why Sapphire was acting strange.

Trevor: She cringed in pain then cried herself to sleep earlier.

Daemon: I see......

Kyrenia: Daemon...... Agate...... Please do tell us.

Daemon: sigh*

Agate: Ok........ The reason she broke down is...... due to a traumatic memory.

Reina: Traumatic memory?

Daemon: nods* Mhm... Her body responds to a traumatic memory in the form of shaking. This condition is triggered by a scenario where a human abuses a faunus as the faunus cries in pain.

Arizona: That's kinda too specific, don't ya think?

Agate: Cause that is what happened to her people.

Rita: Her people!? Sapphire was a villager!?

Agate: She wasn't in any village. Her people were nomads, specifically, gypsies. Most of the gypsies were faunus.

Daemon: Her people was attacked by bandits then left as leftovers for the Grimm between the border of Vale and Vacuo. As far as we know, all of the nomads died and Sapphire barely survived the attack as evident of her scar. The worse part is that she lost her ability to speak.

Agate: I met her, scarred and freightened, in Vacuo when we were kids. Both of us were the same, we were left to fend for ourselves. We had to steal just to survive.

The group was left speechless

Kyrenia: If so, then she's one of the last gypsies.

Daemon: Possibly but we honestly don't know.

Rita: But wait, if you two *points at Agate and Sapphire, who's sleeping on her bed* were the ones in Vacuo. How come Daemon knows her story?

Agate and Daemon looks at each other.

Arizona: Oh no! No! No! Enough of this mystery act! Come clean, would ya?

Daemon: Ok.... Ok... *sigh* I know them because at least 13 years ago, my father found and took them under his care.

Kyrenia: What a kind man your father is.

Daemon: Yes.... Yes he was....

Kyrenia: Oh.... I... I didn't mean to-

Daemon: interrupts* No! No! It's ok.

Awkward silence

Kyrenia: So.... When we get some free time, can we take Sapphire in the city?

Daemon: Ask her, not me.

Kyrenia: Ok.

Agate: What are you gonna do there?

Reina: Only girls are allowed. Something you boys shouldn't know about.

Agate: Hmph! Fine!

Sapphire: awakens*

Arizona: Hey! Phi(fi)

Kyrenia: Are you ok, darling?

Sapphire: nods then hand gestures as she hides her face behind her pillow* Sorry Daemon, Agate. It happened again.

Daemon: It's fine, no apology needed.

Arizona: Yeh! Cheer up, sugarcube.

Sapphire: weakly nods*

One of Rita's bags began to move.

Agate: notices the bag* Hey Rita, your bag's...

Rita: gasp* No! Wait!

A grey cat suddenly emerges from the bag.

Team DARK, Arizona, Trevor, and Sapphire jumped in surprise.

Agate: A CAAAT!!!!???

Rita: Oh no.

Trevor: You brought Ace with you!?

Rita: Sorry! Couldn't him leave alone.

Kyrenia, Arizona, Reina quickly carries, pets and cuddles the cat.

Kyrenia: Awww! So cute!

Reina: scratches it's chin*

Cat: meows*

Arizona: squeals and giggles*

Rita: Ok so... Um.. Meet Ace, my pet cat.

Agate: hides in a corner while shaking* P-please.... G-g-get him..... A-a-away.... from m-me.

Arizona: What in land's sakes wrong with you!

Daemon: Agate's.... allergic to cats.

Reina: Oh reeeaaalllyyy. *smirks and slowly approaches Agate with Ace*

Agate: You wouldn't dare.....

Reina: Heheheh!

Agate: runs away in panic* AAAAAHHHH!

Reina: pursues with a spring in her step* You're not getting away from meee.

Rita: pursues* Wait! Give Ace back! Please!

Trevor: palm smacks his face* Uggh!

Sapphire: giggles*

Daemon: simply smirks*

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