Chapter 5: Connections

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Daemon: So what is it you want with me, professor?

Ozpin: sit on his chair* Well, 8 years ago, Gareth Ignis, the monarch of Vytal, went missing after a mysterious fire accident.

Daemon: .......

Ozpin: Based from I saw from your transcript, I assumed you to be his son? *bends forward and looks intently* Am I wrong?

Daemon: No but...

Ozpin: Please do tell me what really happened to your father.

Daemon:  8 years ago, my father wasn't killed by any fire accident. He was attacked by his brother, my uncle, Damian.


Daemon: notices Ozpin's surprised reaction* Looks like you never knew what really happened.

Ozpin: Gareth......

Daemon: ....... I'm sorry, sir, may I ask one a question?

Ozpin: Of course.

Daemon: What connections do you have to my father? Or more, specifically, are you two friends or enemies?

Ozpin: He's......  my friend, ally and, companion ever since he was a small boy.

Daemon: Wait.... he? Not we? Uhh how old are you, professor? If you don't mind me asking.

Ozpin: Older than you can imagine.

Daemon: I..... see.

Ozpin: Although it's been answered, let me ask one last time. Are you really Gareth Ignis' son?

Daemon: I am his eldest son. Daemon Galahad Ignis, son of Gareth Godric Ignis

Ozpin: Eldest? You have a brother?

Daemon: Yes, professor. Nova Ignis.

Ozpin: Where is he then?

Daemon: I don't know. I don't know if he's even alive.

Ozpin: I see. Well, thank for your cooperation.

Daemon: stands and walks away*

Ozpin: Mr. Ignis.

Daemon: Hmm? *looks back*

Ozpin: If you ever need to talk to me. Please don't hesitate to do so.

Daemon: .....*nods and leaves*

Ozpin: ....... What in the world happened to you, Gareth?

Back at the dorm

Daemon: enters his room*

Arizona: pops out* Hey, D! Heard ya in trouble.

Daemon: Trouble?

Arizona: Agate told us professor Oz is scolding ya.

Agate: I did not. I just said he was requested by Ozpin to his office.

Sapphire: writes* Were you really scolded?

Daemon: No! Professor Ozpin merely asked me some questions.

Kyrenia: Questions? What kind of questions?

Daemon: Sorry not open for discussion. Well, for now at least.

Rita: Come on now, mister. Give us some gossip.

Daemon: Still no, sorry.

Arizona: Hmph! Killjoy.

Trevor: Let's go now. *drags Arizona and Rita out*

Sapphire: waves and follows Trevor*

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