Chapter 11: Abhored Part 2

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Sapphire: *walks in a quick pace until she bumps someone*

Cardin: Hey! Watch it!

Sapphire: *bows repeatedly showing her apologies*

Cardin: Hey! If it isn't that show off, Daemon's gypsy friend.

Sapphire: *raises her head in response*

Cardin: Hmm. You really look devious as they say. Stay away from me, you witch. *shoves her* You'll infect me with your evil tricks.

Sapphire: *starts to tear up* S-s-sorry.

Cardin: Really pathetic. Crying your way out like a perfect trickster.

Sapphire: *cries then screams a loud sound wave causing Cardin to be blown away and hit the wall*

Sapphire: *runs away but encounters Phyrra*

Phyrra: Oh! Hi! we meet again.

Sapphire: *tries to write but her tears cause her to struggle*

Phyrra: What happened here? Are you crying?

Sapphire: *shooks her head and attempts to leave*

Phyrra: Wait! *grabs her arm* Please wait. Let me help you. Come with me.

Sapphire: ............

Phyrra: *leads Sapphire to the dorm roof*

Several minutes later and Sapphire finishes explaining everything to Phyrra.

Phyrra: I see......

Sapphire: *writes* I know it's almost minor but....... it's what we gypsies live through.

Phyrra: I'm sorry..... I... I never imagined........ But why are you gypsies treated so badly?

Sapphire: *writes* Sometimes people tend to dislike other people they see as strange. That's why they abhor those people.

Phyrra: That's just wrong.

Sapphire: *writes* But that's how things are.

Phyrra: Sapphire......

Sapphire: *writes* I can't help but wonder.... why are you helping me?

Phyrra: Is it strange for one to help someone in trouble?

Sapphire: *writes* Well, no but...

Phyrra: Then it's fine. ........... Um Sapphire..

Sapphire: Hmmm?

Phyrra: Can I ask you what that scream was a while ago..... With Cardin.

Sapphire: *writes* Oh. That. Well, that's my semblance.

Phyrra: Your semblance!?

Sapphire: *nods then writes* I manipulate the sound waves around me then my voice triggers the waves to become a blast of sounds, making a sonic boom.

Phyrra: Wow! It sounds powerful. Oh! *chuckles after noticing the pun she made*

Sapphire: *giggles*

Phyrra: *stares at Sapphire* Hmmm. You know Sapphire.....

Sapphire: ?

Phyrra: You are very sweet and beautifully cute.

Sapphire:*writes* Uh Well.... Thank you.

Phyrra: It's kind of frustrating that people like Cardin treats you cruelly.

Sapphire: *writes* It's ok. I'm.... I'm almost used to it.

Phyrra: *stands then grabs Sapphire's shoulders* You shouldn't be used to it. It's just vexing for you to suffer because of your race.

Sapphire: *writes* But I...

Jaune: Uh Phyrra?

Phyrra: Jaune!?

Jaune: What are you doing?

Phyrra: Oh uh nothing heheheh. *steps away from Sapphire*

Jaune: *looks at Sapphire's chest then gulps*

Sapphire: *notices Jaune's stare and covers her chest but due to her breasts' sizes she can only cover a small area*

Phyrra: Ahem! Jaune!

Jaune: Uh I uh..

Sapphire: *writes* Pervert!

Jaune: Huh!? No I-I...

Phyrra: That's low, Jaune.

Sapphire: *writes to Phyrra* Thank you but I need to go. *walks away quickly*

Phyrra: Oh! Ok.

Sapphire returns to her dorm room.

Arizona: Hey, Sapphire! Huh? You okay? You look like a horse that galloped a thousand yards.

Sapphire: *writes* Long story. Where's my dessert?

Trevor: Here. *gives to Sapphire* Strawberry shake and fudge brownie.

Sapphire: *squeals in joy then writes* THANK YOU!

Rita: You're welcome.

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