Chapter 14: Girls Night Out

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In Vale city, the girls of teams ASTR and DARK got together for a girls night out. Taking a break in a restaurant, the girls gossip all things exciting.

Rita: So how's it going with you and Daemon, Ky. You two have been spending a lot of time together lately.

Arizona: Yeh, girl! Give up the goods. Tell us the hot action happening in the garage.

Kyrenia: What? Haha! Nonono! There is nothing happening between us. We are.... just training there. I-I am not interested in Daemon or being caught in a romance. *clears throat* Besides, the faunus girl seems to like him more. I wouldn't want to caught in the middle.

Arizona: Oh Reeeaaalllyy? Oh look. Hey! Daemon!

Kyrenia: *Immediately turns around to see but there was no one*

Arizona: Heheh! Gotcha, sugarcube.

Kyrenia: *groans and pouts* Arizona!

Sapphire: *writes* Oh my gosh! She really does like Daemon.

Reina: Mhm! She wouldn't admit herself that she's jealous.

Sapphire: *writes* It's kinda cute.

Kyrenia: I am NOT jealous. Are we clear?

Arizona: Ha! A symptom of jealousy: uncontrollable angry, followed by strong denials. We have a diagnosis y'all.

Reina: I've known since we were kids, Ky. I know different sides of you than you could imagine.

Rita: Ok! Let's stop there. She'll lose her appetite if we keep this up.

Arizona: Then it's Sapphire's turn.

Sapphire: !!!

Rita: First question: what's the secret of your skin?

Sapphire: ???

Reina: Ah! The fact that Vacuo's in the desert and Sapphire, who lived there, has skin as white as snow, right?

Rita: Bingo! So tell us your secret!

Sapphire: *writes* I-I don't use any special treatment. I just use soap and shampoo.

Arizona: What kind of body do ya have, girl?

Kyrenia: I wish I could be like you.

Reina: *looks at the news on TV* Hey! Look.

All: *looks at the TV*

Rita: Something happened at the docks.

Arizona: *reads the info* "Acts of dust stealing at the docks interrupted by a few students of Beacon."

Meanwhile, at the garage.

Daemon: *read the news* Hmph! Dust stealing. What's next?

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