2nd prelude: Diamond in the Rough and Wild West

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Within the city of Vacuo, a young thief hides in the shadows. Waiting for careless individuals to pass by and attempt to steal in a flash.

???: stomach growls intensely*. Uuugghhh! Not now. sigh*

Under the blazing heat, an empty stomach is not a good sign. So our thief wanders the streets with a nose up and eyes open. An hour went by but nothing to snatch and the demands of hunger are rising steadily. Then a gentle wind brings with it a alluring aroma.

???: sniffing* Mmmmm! Smells like fresh loaves of bread. Smells like Baker Pops got something new today. *follows the scent until the bakery was in sight*

Baker: Fresh bread! Fresh bread! Right here! We have a limited offer! The Rise-and-Shine breakfast sandwich! A tasty sandwich to start your day, my friends!

???: drools* Oh man! Gotta get me one of those. *carefully sneaks behind the stand and slowly grabs two Rise-and-Shine sandwiches.

Baker: notices a hand snatching his products* Hey! You!

???: quickly dashes in a heartbeat Hahaha! Thanks, Pops! Let me know again if you got new ones.

Baker: Damn it, Agate! Steal somewhere else, you filthy brat. Leave my bakery alone.

After five alleys passed, Agate hides behind a corner and consumes the sandwiches in four bites.

Agate: burps loudly* Oh yeah! Thank you Rise-and-Shine. Now, let's see who the unlucky visitors are.

Agate relocates to the main road in the center of the city. He spots a group of cars and at the center, a limo . The limo stops at the front of a restaurant and a man in black and red attire. and with an expensive looking necklace visible on his chest emerges from the vehicle.

Agate: That looks pricey, Old man. Just you wait, I'll get my hands on that.

Hours passed by and the man in black and red attire still isn't leaving.

Agate: Where the hell is that old man!?

The restaurant door opens and the man in black and red attire together with a young boy exits.

Lord Ignis: Daemon, did you enjoy the delicacies in this place?

Daemon: Yes, Father. The food was different but delicious in the end.

Suddenly Agate sprints past Lord Ignis and snatches his necklace.

Daemon: Father! Your necklace. *chases Agate* Come back here, Thief!

Lord Ignis: Daemon! Wait!

Servants and Gurads: Young master!

Daemon continuously chases Agate through alleys and corners.

Daemon: Give it back! Give my Father's necklace back!

Agate: You want it? Come get it.

Tho two sprints for a while then Agate accidentally runs into a dead end.

Daemon: panting* I...Got...You....Now. GIve ....Necklace....Me.

Agate: panting* No....Way. *brings out his two tonfas* I'm not...Giving up...That easily.

Daemon: panting* Fine then! *brings out two naginatas and strikes.

Agate: blocks then pushes Daemon away* Raaauuuugghhh!

Daemon: Raaauuuugghhh!

The two fights out of the corner and ends up in a large open area. Lord Ignis and his followers arrived shortly at the scene.

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