chapter 3: the dark dream

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chapter 3

the dark dream

Moon and I went on for several miles.  By the time we reached what was left of our home, the sun was rising on the other side of the mountain.  "Hey, you ok?" Moon said, "A little shaken up, but,"  "But what?"  "Nothing."  "I heard you finally got a name."  "Yeah."  "What is it?"  "Spyro."  "What the!?  What kind of name is that?  Spyro!?  That's the stupidest name I've ever heard!  Personally, I would have named you Pee Wee Herman, but you know.  You might get flipped off at me for calling you that."  "Pee Wee Herman!?"  "Yeah, why not?"  That was pretty much the whole conversation, I didn't really care what Moon called me.

When we reached the mountain's peak, the sun had just finished rising, and the orange and pink clouds went back to their normal white.  Moon and I gazed at the world we have never seen before.  Down bellow at the foot of the mountain laid the plains with a river flowing through it.  far away to the left was a mountain so tall, that there was snow about half way up.  To the right was a massive opening that looked like the beach that led to the ocean, and straight in front of us was the biggest city in the world, Warfang.  The closest place was probably eighty miles away, and that was the city.

"Woah." Moon said, "No wonder our parents wouldn't let us up here.  This place is amazing!"  "Hmm, I wonder" I said as I approached the cliff.  "Oh, come on!  Don't kill yourself!" Moon said, "I'm not doing that." I replied, "I'm just wondering if I could fly down there."  "Ah!" Moon screamed as the ground underneath him broke apart and he fell of the cliff.  "Moon!" I yelled as I jumped off the cliff, opened my wings, and flew in to rescue him.  Moon fell like four hundred feet so far,  and he had only one thousand left.  I closed my wings to catch up with him, but that wasn't enough.  I needed more time.  Then miraculously, I managed to catch Moon with just twenty feet to spare.  I opened my wings again to slow down, and the landing was miraculous too.  "Man!" Moon said, breathing heavally "That was close!"  "No kidding.  hey look, why don't we go to the city?  I bet there's help there."  "Yeah, let's go." And with that, we started towards the city far away.

We were about halfway there when the sun was setting, and Moon decided it was time to rest inside the miniature forest we found.  Moon and I hunted a deer, and ate it for dinner.  "Might as well stay here for tonight." Moon said, "After all, we need the rest if those freaks show up again."  "No kidding." I replied,  and with that, we fell asleep in the woods.

I started to have a weird dream where I was in a palace made entirely of mirrors.  I walked on the smooth floor, approaching a weird looking door.  The door suddenly opened, and I saw something strange.  a massive, gray, cobra-like creature, coiled up, watching my every move with it's small yellow eyes.  "Come closer." said the creature in a dark voice, "Don't worry, I won't harm you."  I started to approach the creature, obviously, I didn't know what to expect.  the creature uncoiled, and looked at me as if it was saying Take one more step.  I dare you!  "You are a special creature." the creature said, "You would make an excellent dark master."  "What do you mean?" I asked, "I'm sure you have met my little friend," the creature turned it's head to the left, and of course, there stood the knight guy.  I looked at him in horror, then the creature turned it's head towards me while I turned mine. "He searched for you so that you can free me.  If you do what I ask, I will train you to be the next dark master." "How do I know that you're not lying?" I asked, "Because, I sense something in you, something great." For some reason, I knew he was lying.

Just then WHACK!  I woke up with a start, and a pain in my head. "Hey!" I said, "Why'd you do that for?" "You slept too long." Moon replied "We got a city to head for, remember?" "Oh, yeah." I replied, "Thanks for reminding me." In reality, I was confused.  What was that dream telling me anyway?  I figured that it could wait for now.  Besides, it's probably nothing.

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