chapter 12: the Burned Islands

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Chapter 12

The Burned Islands

A couple of hours later, the land of Avalar was no longer visible, and the ocean spread as far as the eye can see.  Gill Grunt, and Trigger Happy were playing some card game called poker, Hunter was standing at the bow, and Sparx and Moon were telling yo mama jokes to each other.  Most of the people already went to sleep, since it was the middle of the night night.

I looked at the stars, wondering if I'll ever see Celibacy again.  Trigger Happy swore loudly, probably because he lost a hand, not that I cared.  The candles lighted the ship, the moon lit the sky, and the stars glowed like little dots in the heavens.  It was definitely a beautiful night to be outside in.  "We should reach the Burned Islands by morning." Hunter said.

Because it was night, the sails were lowered, and the water wheels on the side of the ship moved it on.  The sound of the wheels spinning, and pushing the boat was quiet, but I kinda felt the the pirate-like ship just turned into a ferry boat.

I overheard Sparx and Moon's conversation.  "Yo mama's so ugly, that when she was born, the doctor said that she needed more time before comming back out!" Moon said jokingly.  Sparx rolled his eyes.  "Yeah, well yo mama's so hairy, her dad mistook her for a patch of grass, and peed on her!" The conversation went on, so I decided to let them be.  Besides, I have something much more important to do, and I'm going to need to get some rest for the next day.  So I told everyone that I was tired, and I went to the sleeping quarters to get some shut-eye.

In the morning, Hunter came down, and told us that we reached our destination.  As Moon and I got on deck, I noticed that he was looking a little sick.  "You okay Moon?" I asked.  "I'll be fine" Moon said.  "Just a little sea sick, that's all" I looked ahead of the ship, and saw the Burned Islands ahead of us.

The Burned Islands was a island made completely out of volcanoes.  A few small valleys, and trails connected the volcanoes, but mostly, it was endless pools of lava.

The ship started to rock violently, and moon was getting sicker.  "Oh man!" Moon said.  "This wolf was not made to sail!" Moon ran to the port side of the ship, and started to throw up.

"Please tell me that we're not going there." Sparx said.  "Yep." I replied.  Sparx swore under his breath.  "Why is it that I always get stuck with the crazy psychopath who wants to kill me?" I looked at Sparx.  "I'm not psychotic." I said.  "Then why are you doing this crap?" Sparx exclaimed.  "I have to save my sister." I replied, but now I wish I didn't.  "Wait, what?" Sparx said in confusion.  "I have to save my sister, Celibacy." I answered.  "Celibacy's your sister!?" Sparx asked loudly.  "According to what I've heard," I started.  "she is my sister." Sparx started laughing uncontrollably.  "Man!" he said after he stopped laughing.  "I used to rate desperate pervs from one to Flynn, but you just broke that scale.

When we docked on the island, Hunter said that it was too dangerous for the ship to stay.  "I'll leave as soon as you get off the ship, but if you need a quick getaway, shoot a fireball into the sky, and I'll take her around." he said.  "Got it?" I nodded my head.  "Got it!"

Moon ran towards us, and I knew why.  "I'm coming with ya!" he said heavily.  "I've had it with sailing!  As soon as we get back to Avalar, I'm gettin' off this boat, and staying off this boat!" I rolled my eyes.  "You're the one who said no wolf left behind." I said.  "Yeah, whatever." Moon said as we got off the boat, and moved towards the volcano at the center of the island.

When we got to the volcano, we both realized that it was much larger than we thought.  There was a large door at the base of the volcano.  "You sure we're not going to be deep fried as soon as we go in?" Sparx asked.  "You know, he has a point." Moon said.  I turned to them, and said, "Look, I came here to save my sister, and I'm not stopping until I see her face again.  Somewhere in this world, she's suffering, and she waiting for some one to rescue her.  Now you can turn back if you want, but I'm moving forward, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" "okay." Moon said.  "we're going with you." Sparx shook his head, and flew right in front of us.  "What the!  What part of turn back now do you not understand?" Sparx said.  I just opened the massive doors, and stepped inside with Moon behind me.  "Why do I keep going with this?" Sparx said as he flew through the closing doors.

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