Chapter 5: the train stops here

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chapter 5

the train stops here.

I woke up in the morning, feeling fresh, and stuff like that. Moon was already up, and was probably flirting with Celibacy.  So I decided to get up too.  "Rise and shine purple boy!" said a crazy-sounding voice behind me.

The voice belonged to Trigger Happy, a Orange, yellow-eyed, gremlin-looking creature with his long tongue sticking out, and he was carrying tho golden guns.  "Oh, hi." I replied.  I walked to the large opening in the forest, this was where their meeting took place, no doubt.  Celibacy was standing on top of a tree stump.  A group of cheetahs were sitting cross-legged on the ground,listening to her.  Did I mention that the cheetahs in my world walked on two legs?  "Okay," Celibacy said, "Now that everybody's here, we have a new mission."

"Yeah alright, a new mission!" I recognized that voice, I turned my head to see Flynn and Cali sitting in the back row.  Flynn was a brown wolf with sky blue eyes, blindingly white teeth, and a deep voice, but not as deep as Moon's "Flynn, Cali!" I yelled, "Spyro, good to see you!" Flynn said, "You know my name?" I asked, "Of course," Cali said "Moon explained everything." "everyone please silence." Celibacy said,

"Okay, so here's our new mission.  Our spies have discovered a train in Warfang that carries supplies to the gnorcs.  If we can stop it, the gnorcs won't get the supplies they need to win the war, and that'll give us a huge advantage." "Oh, great!" Moon said angrily, "We take two days, just to get to the city, now we're headed back!?  Something tells me that this is getting repetitive." Moon had a point.  We just got back from Warfang, but now, we have to head back just to stop a stupid train?  On the other side, I could use some excitement, and this was probably a fun mission.  "I'm willing to go." I said, "Suit yourself." Moon said, "Ok, then it's settled, we'll leave immediately.  C'mon Trigger Happy." Celibacy said as she began to leave the forest.  Trigger Happy wasn't far behind, and I was right next to her.

"Is there a problem with your friend?" Celibacy asked, "Who, Moon?" I replied "Yeah, him." "He's probably just tired of traveling everywhere." "I could relate to that."

A few hours later, Celibacy and I were standing on top of the train station on the other side of the city.  The train had not pulled out yet, but the excitement was already rushing inside me.  After all, this was my first mission.  "Now Spyro, don't lose your cool yet." Celibacy said, "How can I?" I asked, "Oh, great." Celibacy muttered, "You're one of those people." I was caught off guard when the train zoomed out of the station, but now was my chance to prove myself.  "C'mon, Lets go!" I yelled as I jumped off the roof and flew after the train.

"Uh, mister conductor." said a small goblin inside the train, "What is it?" said the conductor, "We've got dragons chasing us." Replied the goblin, "Well, fire everything we've got!" yelled the conductor angrily.

The canons on the roof and sides of the train activated and aimed straight for us.  "This is where the fun begins!" Celibacy said, as she shot out a beam of light from her mouth.  The beam hit the canon on the left side of the rear car and it exploded.

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed, "How did you do that?" "Easy," Celibacy said, "All dragons have at least one element.  See if you can destroy one of the canons." "Okay, I'll try." I said.  I opened my mouth and exhaled fire?  I shot a column of fire at the canon on top of the train, and it was a direct hit, and the canon exploded.  "Nice job." Celibacy said, "I guess you're not totally useless after all." I rolled my eyes, and i shot a fire ball at the right side of the rear car.  Another direct hit.  Celibacy shot another beam of light at the car, and it exploded.

We did the same for thirty more cars until Celibacy said that we needed to back off.  "Why?" I asked, "See that bridge?" Celibacy asked, "Yeah, why?" "Watch this." She told me.

"Train's here!" Trigger Happy exclaimed.  He and Flynn were on top of a hill, and they had just finished planting bombs all over the bottom of the tracks.  "When we hit this switch, that train's going down!" The tracks went over a canyon, by the way.  The train was fast approaching the bridge. "Three," Flynn counted, "Two.  One.  Boom!" Flynn stepped on the switch, and the whole bridge exploded in a huge fireball.  The train flew off the tracks, and fell into the canyon.  Celibacy and I landed where Flynn and Trigger were watching, and we all watched the train fall down the canyon.  "We did it." I said, "We blew it up!" Trigger Happy yelled happily.

Then disaster struck.  The train rose from the canyon.  Apparently, it had jet boosters attached to it.  "Crud." Celibacy muttered.  The train flew onto the side of the canyon we were on, and it started rolling at us at incredible speeds!  I did the only I can do.  I opened my mouth, and let out the biggest column of fire I have ever seen.  the flame hit the train, and it exploded massively.  At the end of the explosion, the engine crashed fifty feet from us.  Trigger Happy's tongue rolled onto the ground in amazement, and I knew that I was cut out for this job.

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