chapter 8: the party

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chapter 8

the party

 We reached Warfang by early morning.  As Moon and I got out, we both discovered that there was an air in the city we didn't feel before.  A feeling of festivity.

"I will show you all to your hotel rooms." Hunter said.  He led us through the crowds of people, and into the City-Hall.

"Now remember," Hunter started.  "We have fourteen hours until the party.  That gives you plenty of time to get ready.  After all, we want to look our best."

Moon sniffed at himself to see if he needed a bath.  "And don't forget your manners." Hunter said.  "Yo Spyro." Moon said.

"What?" I replied.

"Do you think I need to take a dip?" Moon asked.

"Pervert alert!" Sparx said jokingly.

"Oh shut up you talking bug!" Moon barked at him.

"What do you mean by take a dip?" I asked.

"You know," Moon started.  "Go miniature diving?"

"Pervert alert!" Sparx said.

"Rub my self clean?" Moon said.

"Pervert alert!" Sparx said once more.

"Go skinny dipping in a puddle?" Moon said.

"Jeez!  I've heard of some perverted questions, but that one takes the cake!" Sparx said loudly.  Every one started staring at us.

"Okay fine!" Moon said frustratingly.  "Do I need to take a bath?" Moon asked loudly.

"Probably."   I replied.  "SUPER PERVERT ALERT!" Sparx screamed jokingly.

"Will you shut up?" Moon yelled.

"Well, you're no fun!" Sparx said.

"Every one!  Please." Hunter interrupted.

"Moon your manners are worse than Trigger Happy's!"

"Chug!  Chug!  Chug!" Trigger Happy yelled as I walked over to Celibacy.   "Civilized isn't even in his vocabulary." Celibacy replied to hunter.

"It's true!" Trigger Happy said.  "Watch!  Civibibleisied.  Cibiblized.  Capacot.  Aw, screw it!  Apricot!" "Oh my gosh, you're right." I said.

"And it took you that long to notice?" she replied.

Fourteen hours passed, and we were all at the party.  Classical-sounding music was playing, Everything was adorned in gold and red, and Flynn was still flirting with Cali.  Sparx whistled.  "Dude, you're so out of your league." He said.

Every one was either dancing, or talking to each other.

"How are you enjoying the party?" Celibacy asked from behind me.

"Well, honestly, it's-"

"It's boring!" Sparx interrupted.  "Somebody throw a chair, or something out a window, so we can get the party started!"

"I'll do it!" Trigger Happy said, and he ran off to grab a chair near the entrance.

Hunter walked to the back of the room, and stood behind the pedestal. "Every one, please listen to me." Hunter said.

The music stopped, people quit talking and dancing, and all eyes were on the cheetah standing on the stage.  The noise of a window breaking, followed by Trigger Happy's crazy laughter broke the silence briefly.

"Somebody fix that window please." Hunter said as a mole went holding window repair materials. 

"Thank you." Hunter said softly.

"Okay.  Now that everybody's here, I have an announcement to make.  Thanks to the Skylanders, our war with the gnorcs has ended.  Now let's all give them all a round a applause." The noise of loud cheering and clapping sounded immediately as every one praised the Skylanders.

When the noise ended, Hunter spoke once more.  "And due to the war ending, foreign trade has reopened.  Also, I am taking the liberty of retiring as mayor, and sailing across the world on the S.S. Linebeck.  I am now appointing my adviser, Mason as the mayor of Warfang in my absence."

Another round of applause came and went.  "Now, let's get back to the party." Hunter stepped off the stage, and the party went back to it's normal pace.

"Hey Hunts!" Trigger said as he ran up to Hunter.

"What is it?" Hunter replied.

"Are you going to change this snooze fest into a real party?" Trigger Happy asked.

"Sorry, but no." Hunter said as he walked towards the bar.

Celibacy put her left paw on my right one.  "Spyro, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked.  I turned my head away from Trigger chugging a gallon of wine as Moon and Sparx were shouting "Chug! Chug! Chug!"

"Yeah, what do you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"Actually, I want to talk to you alone." She said.  "follow me." She walked towards the door, and I followed her out.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Have you ever wondered why there aren't any dragons except for us?" Celibacy asked.

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

"Many centuries ago," Celibacy started.  "there was an evil entity named Malrix.  He was the apprentice of the Dark Master.  He and the Dark Knight caused a great war against the dragons and the guardians.  They tried to stop Malrix, but it was too late.  Only a handful of dragons survived.  After that, they were hunted down, and killed by the Dark Knight.  We're probably the last dragons left alive." Celibacy started crying.  I put my paw on her shoulder, and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay, we can still make up for the past." I said quietly.

"Thanks." she said.  "That means a lot to me."

"My parents were killed by the Dark Knight." she whispered.

"Mine too." I replied.

"I can't believe you were raised by wolves." she said.  "I was raised by the guardians."

"Sounds like you've had it better than me." I said.  "My stepparents wouldn't even tell me what my name is."

Celibacy moved head closer to mine.  "Just between you and me," She whispered in my ear.  "You're actually not as bad as I thought you were." She whispered.  "PERVERT ALERT!" Sparx shouted, interrupting our conversation

"Sparx!" Celibacy yelled.  "Go back inside!" "Hey I just wanted to tell you that Trigger Happy just drank half the booze, and got on the chandelier."

"WHAT!?" Celibacy exclaimed.  We all ran inside, and discovered that what Sparx said was true.  Trigger Happy was hanging on the chandelier, laughing and holding a dragon whiskey bottle.  Moon was laughing his head off.  "Aw man! That's hilarious!"

"Oh, crap." Celibacy said.

"Is he drunk or something?" I asked.

"Come on." Celibacy said.  "He's Trigger Happy.  He does stupid stuff even when he's sober!"

"Chug-a-lug ha ha ha!" Trigger Happy said.  He let go of the chandelier, and fell a hundred feet into the floor.  SPLAT!  Moon turned his head away.  "Aw, man!  You didn't tell me that he's suicidal." Moon said.  "He's alright." Celibacy said.  "He's built for this."

Sure enough, Trigger Happy was back on his feet, but he was stumbling, probably from drunkenness.  "Curse you Perry the Platypus!" Trigger Happy said drunkenly right before hitting the ground.

"Moral of the story," Sparx started.  "Don't climb chandeliers when you're drunk off your tail."

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