chapter 11: a new begining

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Chapter 11

A new beginning

As I headed down the hall, I notice something strange about Moon's attitude.  "You okay?" I asked him.  "Who, me?" he said.  "Yeah." I replied.  "You seem strange." Moon rolled his eyes.  "Duh!  My brother just came back from the dead!  Now, don't you think that's weird?" Moon had a point.  I was lucky to even be alive.  Next time I see Hunter, I'll have to thank him for helping me.  Still, I couldn't figure out why Moon was so jittery.

As I went through the door, I met the people Sparx was describing.  The was one boy, and one woman.  The woman had overwhelmingly pink hair, and blue eyes.  She wore silver armor, and on the right side of her waist, there was a bouquet of feathers.  I also noticed that she had a sword that was folded in half, and she had a gold bow.  The boy had blond hair, and blue eyes.  He wore bronze armor, and he had a giant key that looked like it could be a sword.

"Who are you?" I asked them.  "I'm Lightning." the woman replied.  "And this is Ventus." she gestured towards the boy.  "We were sent by Hunter to take you." I thought to my self for a second.  "Didn't Hunter say he was leaving at the party on the night I almost died?" I thought, but I decided it was best to let them do their work.  "Where?" I asked Lightning.  "To Dragon Shores." she replied.  "Spyro, you're going to sail on the Linebeck."

A few hours later, we arrived at Dragon Shores.  The place was your standard beach, but the part we were at, was the docking bay.  The S.S. Linebeck was a wooden boat that ran on the wind on it's sails.  The ship was mostly wood colored, with red, and gold at the edges.  The ship also had a rather large canon at the center of the deck.

Hunter, and a fish-looking guy were both working on the canon on the deck.  "I see you brought Spyro." Hunter said.  "What's going on?" I asked.  "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to the Skylanders' water spy." he gestured towards the fish-man.  "Spyro, meet Gill Grunt."

Gill Grunt was a blue fish guy, if you want to call him that.  he had the usual fish eyes, but he wore what looked like a diver's suit.  He also had two small barrels on his back.

Gill Grunt shook my paw.  "A pleasure to meet you Spyro." he said in a strange German accent.  It was nice to meet another ex-Skylander, but I needed to find out what Hunter wanted to talk to me about.  "So Hunter," I started.  "What's wrong?" Hunter looked at me with a feeling of despair.  "Spyro," he said slowly.  "It's time for you to know the truth about me." "Sure, Hunter." I said.  "Tell me anything." He smiled slightly, and he sat down on a barrel.

"You see Spyro," Hunter started.  "While you were nothing more than a dragon whelping, the guardians hired me to be your protector in the event that Seraphus is unable to protect you." Immediately, I flashed back to the scene of the falcon attacking the Dark Knight.

I remembered every detail of the scene.  How the falcon had knocked over the Dark Knight.  How the flames, burning the forest, shined in his red eyes.  How the gold feather swirls on his wings shined in the moonlight, and the fury that was radiating from his body as he approached his victim.  "Oh, no you're not!" he said angrily, and those words echoed in my head ever since.

"I knew it in my heart that you would be in danger after the party.  So I saddled up on my horse, and headed towards the forest.  That's when I saw you dying, and I chose to save your life." I looked up at his face.  "Why would they want me to be protected?" I asked.  "Because you are the last dragon left, and only a dragon can destroy the Dark Knight, and his master." he replied.

"Spyro, now is the time to leave everything you have ever known, and fulfill your destiny to be the hero that your ancestors were." "And you can count us in!" Moon said with Sparx, Trigger Happy, Cali, Flynn, Lightning, and Ventus behind him.  I smiled, and laughed.  "You would do that?" I asked.  "Well, duh!" Moon said.  "What part of 'no wolf left behind' do you not understand?  If you're in this, then we're all in!"

I turned to Hunter.  "Where are we heading towards?" he asked.  I thought about this for a moment, and then decided the perfect destination to begin my new journey.  "Let's head to the Burned Islands." I said.  "Very well." he replied.  With that, the anchor was removed, and the ship set sail for the Burned Islands, and I head towards a new beginning.


Okay, so I bet you can't wait for chapter 12 right?  Well, you're going to have to wait a while.  I want the chapter to be long, so it's going to take a while to get it done.  Expect longer chapters, and long waits on the temple chapters.  Okay?  Meanwhile, check out some of my other books, or the books in my reading lists.  See you all soon!

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