chapter 10: more powers!

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Chapter 10

More Powers

I woke up with a strange wet feeling on the bottoms of my paws.  At first, I thought I was still lying in a puddle of my own blood, but then I discovered that I was standing on water!?  I looked around me, and realized that I was standing on top of the ocean.  The sky was clear, and the ocean spread as far as the eye can see.

"I knew it." I exclaimed.  "I'm dead." Suddenly, I heard a rippling from behind me.  "You're not dead." said a gentle voice.  I turned around, and saw the Chronicler.  "I gotta be hallucinating!" I exclaimed.  "You're not hallucinating." he said.  "You're dreaming.  There's a difference you know." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Look at your reflection in the water, young dragon." he said.  I looked down, and saw a scar on my neck.  The scar was exactly where my neck was crushed, and it looked like the claw-like fingers that the Dark Knight gripped me with.

"What the heck!?" I whispered in shock.  "That is the scar of your near-death experience." The Chronicler explained.  "You will have that scar for the rest of your life, but for now, I'm going to show you something." I looked back at him curiously.  "What do you mean?" I asked.  "I'm going to take you around the world in ten minutes." he said, and with that the ocean faded to smoke.

In a split second, we went from the ocean, to the side of a massive volcano.  I almost screamed at the sight, but I looked around in shock, and maybe fear at the many volcanoes, and pool of lava around me.  "What the-!" I caught myself at the last word.

"These are the Burned Islands." The Chronicler stated.  "This place is known as the home of the guardian of fire, and it is also known as the eternal resting place of the Stone of Fire." I looked at him in confusion.

I didn't understand why he would take me to a bunch of volcanoes for, or why he would talk about a stone, and some guy called the fire guardian.  Although I didn't understand what he was talking about, I decided that it was probably best if I listened to what he had to say.  Besides, he might tell me something important, like what the heck is going on.

"Fire is known to be called the element of power." he said.  I listened intently.  "When controlled, fire can bring comfort, and warmth to those who need it, but if it is outside of your control, it will burn you alive.  Learn to control fire my friend, and you will achieve power." I nodded.  "Now then." he said.  "I believe it is time to go somewhere a little cooler.  Don't you think." I nodded again, and the volcanic scene vanished a desert valley with large, bottomless canyons.

"this area is called the Scars of Ke'lemar." he said.  "Beneath these cliffs, lies the home of the earth golems, and one of those golems is the guardian of the earth element.  Beware, for he guards the Stone of Earth, my friend." He smiled at me, and I knew that something was going on.  Why else would he show me a bunch of places for, tourism?

"Earth is the element of strength." he said.  "When it is used properly, it can combine beauty with power.  If it is used improperly however, it can crush the ones you care for." he stared at me dead in the eye.  "Learn to use earth properly."

In another flash, the desert vanished, and was replaced by the view of the inside of a mountain.  the walls were reflecting the water that flowed through it's massive holes.  There was a lake in the center that had fish of all shapes, and sizes, swimming inside.

"This is the water temple." the Chronicler said.  "It is the home of the water guardian, and the Stone of Water." Once more, he stared at me in the eye.

"Water is the element of wisdom." he said.  "When it is in good hands, it can heal broken spirits, and provide grace to it's beholder.  However, if it is in unstable hands, it will drown everything that is in it's way.  Learn to grip water with stability." I nodded in agreement.  "We only have one place left my friend." he said as the temple disappeared.

What took the water temple's place was a city of floating chunks of land.  The fields were all facing the sky.  They looked like somebody ripped them out of the ground, and tied them to the sky so they couldn't touch the ground.  People of different types were walking around, and minding their own business.

"These are the Floating Islands." the Chronicler spoke.  I looked around, and recognized the place.  Every ten years, these islands would float over the forest I used to live in.  "I know this place." I said at last.  "These are the sky islands." The Chronicler nodded.  "Yes." he said.  "these islands are also known as Skylands.  This is the home of the Stone of Air, and it's guardian."

"Air is the element of courage." he said as I turned my head towards him.  "Air, when under control, can bring a cooling breeze to those in need of it.  However, if it is abused, it will wreak havoc on everything in sight.  Learn what I have taught you young dragon, and you can save your sister from the Dark Master."

I shook my head at what he said at the end.  Sister!?  Celibacy, and I are related!?  Aw man!  Sparx is going to have a new reason to yell 'Pervert alert' every time he sees me!  If I had known that, I'd swear I would never do what I almost did at the party.  "Celibacy is my sister!?" I exclaimed.  "I am suprised that you didn't already know that." the Chronicler said.  "I figured that you would know. by now.  However, now is the time for our journey to end, my friend.  It is now the time for you to awaken, and embark on a new adventure."

As my dream started to fade, I discovered why he was showing me all these places.  He was showing me all the places I would be going to in the near future, and the new powers I would wield.  Why?  Because, he wanted me to rescue my sister, and it dosen't matter if I have to go to Hell and back, I will do everything to see her again.

"I will not let you down" I said right before my eyes started to open, and I would re-enter the world.  "I know you won't Spyro." the Chronicler said as he faded out of sight.  "I know you won't."

As I opened my eyes, my vision started to focus on the three wolves, and gremlin staring at my with smiles on their faces.  "Oh." I mumbled.  "Guys, what's going on?" "Pervert alert!" Sparx yelled as he popped out form nowhere, and scared me into literally falling off my bed.

When I got into a standing position, Sparx was laughing at me.  Okay, so it was a  pretty funny way to start life again, but sometimes, Sparx can go a little too far.  I didn't hold it against him however.  After all, this was the first time I saw my friends in a long time.

"Spyro, good to see you're still alive." Flynn said as he patted my back.  "What'd I miss?" I asked.  "Well, let's see." Sparx said.  "Besides being in a coma for three weeks, you weren't really missing anything.  Well, except for some chick with pink hair, and a kid holding a really big key asking about you like every three hours, but I don't think fans don't matter at the moment." I was a little shocked at what sparx said at the end.  Somebody actually wanted to see if I was okay!?  Well, maybe I'll check it out.


Yays! author's notes!  I finally decided to do these.  Btw, I'm going to work on a sequel while I'm working on this, and I'm also going to make the chapters longer, and add more writing to them to make this book feel like a book.  I will release the sequel when this book is finished.  Bye!  :P

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