chapter 7: the lost town

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chapter 7

the lost town

I woke from my nightmare suddenly when Celibacy tapped my shoulder.  "C'mon Spyro." Celibacy said, "We've got a new mission." I got up, and followed Celibacy back into the meeting room.

Flynn was flirting with Cali again.  "Will you go out with me?" Flynn asked, "No." Cali replied,  Flynn changed his sitting pose into a heroic pose where he was standing up on all fours with his head up high.  "How about now?" he asked, "Still no." Cali said,  For several minutes, Flynn would change poses, and Cali would still say no.  After twenty more poses, Flynn asked Cali if she wanted him to slam his head against a tree again.  "Yeah, I could go for a laugh." Cali said,  Flynn ran towards the nearest tree, and jumped into it head-first.  "Man!" Flynn said, "You see that?  That takes years of practice to do that.  BOOM!" Flynn fell to the ground with a thud.  I couldn't help but laugh.  "You know he could get brain damage from that." I said, "Yeah," Cali said, "But he needs to have a brain in his head to get brain damage."

"Okay everyone, listen up." Celibacy said.  Cali and I turned our heads towards Celibacy.  "Okay everybody.  As we all know, our mission yesterday was a success, and everyone is taking notice.  Hunter even gave us a new mission.  He has located a village underneath Dragon's Spike, and called us to go take out all the gnorcs terrorising the poor civilians in there.  Any questions?" "Can we use bombs like last time?" Trigger Happy asked excitedly, "No Trigger." Celibacy replied, "Remember, there are civilians there, and we don't harm civilians." "Well, she's taking all the fun out of it." Sparx whispered to me, "Ahem." Celibacy cleared her throat, "Now, if we're done chatting, I'm now going to decide who is going." Celibacy looked at the large group of people, trying to decide who gets to go.  "Let's see." celibacy murmured, "Spyro, Moon, no not Moon.  Uh, Sparx." "I'm going anyway!" Sparx shouted, "Oh, to heck with it." Celibacy said, "C'mn Spyro.  Let's go." And with that, Celibacy, Sparx, and I left the forest for Dragon's Spike.

Dragon's Spike is the largest mountain in Dragon's Back.  In fact, it's so large, that the front of the mountain didn't even have a single snowflake.  When Celibacy and I got there, Celibacy told Sparx and me to turn left, and go around the mountain.  Sparx and I followed her towards the village.  The village looked like one of those "ghost towns" you would see in a cowboy movie.  What's even stranger, is that even though the village rested at the foot of a frozen mountain, it was still like eighty-five degrees.

Gnorcs were everywhere, and man were these guys ugly!  They wore poorly made silver armor, they carried axes and bows the size of logs, and they had green skin, fat bellies, and you could smell them a mile away.

Cellibacy, Sparx, and I hid behind a boulder.  "Okay," Sparx began, "so what's the plan?" "Easy." Celibacy said, "Take them all down, and save as many civilians as possible." Somehow, I knew that Celibacy didn't really have a plan.

I darted out first.  An Archer spotted me, and fired an arrow.  I dodged the arrow with plenty of distance, partly because I was too fast.  I jumped left to the top of the roof of the building where the archer was standing on, and gave him the beating of a lifetime.  The archer fell down, and hit the dirt.  The gnorcs looked up and spotted me, and some of them were climbing the house, while others shot arrows at me.  I dodged all the arrows with impressive skill, and when the gnorcs reached the roof, I would beat them until they fell to the ground.  Celibacy ran out of the boulder, and started beating on the gnorcs on the ground.

"Yeah, sock it to them!" Yelled Sparx as we kept battling the gnorcs.  We've taken care of thirty already, but all that changed when the wall of a building exploded on the other side of town.  From the explosion came the biggest gnorc I have ever seen.  He wore gold armor, and he was on top of a large wild boar.  He also had a massive axe the size of a small tree.  "Who dares to attack out stronghold?" said the gnorc.  He looked right at us.  "Skylanders, of course." "Gnasty." Celibacy said.  "Spyro, take care of him, I'll clean up this town!" "Got it!" I replied.  Gnasty ran out of the town on the boar, and I was hot on his trail.

I flew out of the town in hot pursuit of Gnasty Gnorc.  I shot a fire ball at him, but it seemed to only make him angrier.  I dodged a swing of his axe that would've disemboweled me, had it hit.  Sparx was flying as fast as he can to follow.  "Use the boost to catch up!" Sparx yelled, "What?" I replied, "Do a barrel roll!" Sparx yelled as Gnasty swung his axe again.  I did so, and dodged the attack. "Any more advice Peppy?" I asked Sparx, "Yeah, use bombs wisely." "I don't have any bombs!" I yelled, "Oh, then you have nothing to worry about." Gnasty swung his axe several times.  Luckily, I managed to dodge them all.  I fired more fire balls at him as he kept attacking.  The last fire ball hit the boar, and it fell, taking Gnasty down with it.

Gnasty rolled on the ground for several yards, and he stopped at the edge of a abysmal cliff.  I landed on the ground to make sure he was down.  Gnasty immediately got back up.  "Why, you little pest!" he yelled as he ran at me.  He swung his axe so fast and furiously, that I barley had time to dodge his attack.  The longer the battle lasted, the more tired I got.  Finlay, Gnasty hit me on the right side, and knocked me over.  "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Gnasty laughed as he approached, "What a pitiful young dragon.  It almost seems like a shame that I'm about to kill you." "Get away from him you overgrown turd!" Celibacy yelled.  She let out a beam of light that hit him right on his right side.  Gnasty flew, and fell into the cliff, screaming on the way down.  "That was close." I said, "Yeah, no kidding." Sparx said.  "By the way, how did you get here so fast?" I asked, "I managed to take care of business faster than I expected." Celibacy replied.

We went back to the town. It was bustling with moles. "Thank you." said a mole, dressed in mayor's clothes.  "You saved our lives." "No problem." Celibacy replied.  "After all, saving people is what we do.  Right Sparx?" "Whatever." Sparx answered.  "It has been a  long time since anybody has ever seen a dragon." the mole said, "No one has seen a dragon since they were wiped out by the Dark Master." "What does he mean?" I asked Celibacy.  She looked uneasy.  "Spyro," She said, "I think you should know something.  I'll tell you when we get back home, but not right now." "Why?" I asked her.  Tears were running down her eyes.  "I'll Explain later."

When we got back home, everybody was excited.  Trigger Happy was even shooting his guns straight into the air.  "I have heard that the leader of the gnorcs has been killed." said a familiar voice, "Hunter?" Celibacy said in shock, "In the fur." Hunter replied smiling as he moved into the front of the crowd.  "I just came to congratulate you all, and invite everyone to my party to celebrate the end of the war." "There's a party!?" Sparx exclaimed, "Of course." Hunter replied, "A major victory should not go uncelebrated." "Thanks Hunter!" Celebacy said, "When is it?" "Tomorrow night." Hunter replied, "I've even put in the liberty to bring you all to Warfang, via carriage." "Awesome!" Sparx exclaimed.  "Shall we go?" Hunter asked, "Sure!" Celibacy said, "Okay everybody, we're going to a party.  Go ahead, and get in a carriage!"

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