Epilogue (Fixed)

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The sky was filled with stars. The crowd was cheering their hearts out for the 77th generation performing Aitakatta until the song has ended, and now the 78th and 80th generation waits their turn to perform. Cold feet kick in as they see their rival the 79th generation tearing it up out there with the song Pajama Drive.

Steffin: "W-what are we g-gonna to do, t-their killing it out there?!" I said panicking pacing back and forward.

Leo: "*BLAH!!!* *COUGH COUGH* I don't *COUGH* know, but we need to *BLAH* sing something that they *Spit* haven't heard in a long time. Thanks Kai, I got it now." I said to my friend as I wiped the vomit off my mouth.

Rose: "Hang in their bro. We will need you for this one, I know it." I said as I patted his back to help him breathe better.

Sabrina: "Well whatever song you guy's come up with, we need it now not later. Their song is almost over!" I yelled while listening out for the 79th generation last bit of their song.

Saiko: "Guys we need to stay calm now think. Now, what song do you think will tell these people who we really are, and what we came here to do?" I asked them as I moved a piece of black hair out of my face.

Savanna: "Saiko is right you guy's, theirs no need to panic." I said with a smile on my face but really I'm freaking out on the inside.

Misaki: "Yeah, and I think I have a very good idea of what song to sing to." I said as I finally found a song for us to sing.

Sasuki: "Whatever it is princess, let's us it NOW, times UP!" I yelled as I stomped in on their conversation.

Kai: "Do you mean the song that I think you mean?" I said as I obtain a very good idea of what song she's thinking of.

Mai: "And I'm up for it, even if we did practice it ounce, big brother." I said as I stood beside Kai patting his back for encouragement.

Marina: "Alright amigas y amigos it's time to pick a song and get on the stage, I know that we are all nervous, but try your hardest to keep your stomachs in." I said as I bold my fist in determination.

Aisha: "So what song are we going to sing?" I said as I put my bow on right in my hair.

Marceline: "The one that we practiced to when we first got here. Misaki, Mai, and I thought of it before we were chosen to take the 79 generation spot in the last bit of the show." I said as I helped out Aisha with her hair while her sister came in helping Misaki with her hair to the next person.

Renna: "And besides, this is me and Aisha last time performing in this general election concert on our galaxy anyway, so why not go out in a bang, right Aisha?" I said as I was know helping Leo out with getting his strength back.

All: "Yeah which is kind of sad that you guys are leaving us." We all said as Leo tried to stand up but needed support.

Mimi: "But that d-doesn't matter right n-now, we have a s-show to do!" I said as I fist pump the air.

Misaki: "Right, now let's do this you guy's, we only have 1 minute left." I said as I held my index finger and thumb out creating a circle.

~2 minutes later~

Sasuki: "With the galaxies around us." I said starting off our pledge.

Saiko: "With people from the different planet's around us." I said as I started to see our Kirara's surrounding us.

Leo: "We made a vow up till this now."

Steffin: "T-to protect t-the hopes." I said cursing myself from stuttering again.

Sabrina: "Their dreams."

Aisha: "Their love."

Renna: "Their future."

Rose: "Their feelings."

Marina: "Their friendships."

Marceline: "Their freedom to choose." I said in determination.

Savanna: "And the beautiful smiles of the young ones as they grow."

Mimi: "To protect them from the darkness."

Mai: "From their fears and hurts."

Kai: "And to protect the rights to see the light."

Misaki: "So now as of today for the possibly last performance with our two 80th generation member, we promise to do whatever it took to protect these people and the light that shines in their hearts to keep believing no matter what the situation is, and!"

All: "We will do whatever we are supposed to do."

Misaki: "And why!!"

All: "Because we are AKB0048!!"

Saiko: "Now let's go show them what these two generations are made of!" I said fist-pumping the air.

All: "Yeah!!"

~Next page to see performance -»

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