Prologue 4

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Name: Steffin Shaw

Japanese Name: Shaw Steffin

Age: 15

Height: 6'1

Race: Human

Relative: Sabrina Shaw

Home: Eurostar

Person to succeed: Suzuko Kanazaki

Like: Singing and Dancing (sometimes), reading, cooking, tending to wounds

Dislike: Fighting, being scared/coward, being a burden

Appearance: Steffin has multi colored brown eyes and hair with three leaf clover in the, he also wears glasses which make him look more like male until he takes them off. Some people say he looks like the male version of Ms. Tsubasa which rumors has it he might be the next one to take up her previous name.

Personality: Kind hearted person who never judge's anyone on his team until their idea become way out of line, but can have a scaredy cat behavior which caused most of his teammates to compare him to Makoto then Tsubasa.

History: Steffin comes from a long line of brave or cold hearted male's in his family which makes him the only nice caring and not so brave one in his family, but that doesn't mean that his family was cold towards him, oh no, they were cold towards the DES. Steffin familly actually came from Tundrastar but some how moved away before their entertainment ban was lifted on that planet to Eurostar.

Five years later Steffin older brother joined the resistance that were going to Junglestar to stop the DES from destroying and take their Kiarigen life source form that planet, 16 weeks later his brother died in action which caused his family to grow a bitter heart towards the DES and their action to the other planets that are still going on even after AKB has defeated them.

But Steffin never really held a grudge for which he knew that was what the DES wanted so that they could blame AKB for it, so from then on out he joined the new AKB male division ONS48 to stop the DES ounce and for all.

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