Entry 1 Tragic End

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Misaki pov.

General Election was going to start soon for our generation. Our Senpai's, Saiko and Sasuki, decided to stick around a little longer before they decide to leave for training. Even if things were going well so far, Sasuki, Marceline, Saiko, me, and surprisingly Leo were already chosen for the successor's spot even before the elections begin.

But this was only a hunch by the older members; because we all know only one of us will be chosen for the position of Center Nova by the Kirara's but you must also have a Kirara to know if you will be succeeding or not. The 80th generation doesn't have Kirara's yet, but the 78th and some of the 79th generation do.

But the main question amongst our large group is, who will be the next center nova for the 78th generation? Even though we were so focused on succeeding the people who we want to be in the long run, we still had our doubts because our Kirara hasn't appeared yet. We prepared ourselves for the competition; however, Saiko's medical condition was depleted even feather down than normal, and our hope of her becoming Center Nova was bleak.

Sasuki pov.

One day during practice, Saiko hasn't shown up, so I decided to go and see if she was taking a nap somewhere again. However, when I passed by the medical room, I heard Saiko's voice talking to nurse Kashiwagi () about her condition. What I've heard shocked me to my core, I nearly opening that door and scream at Saiko for not telling me and the others the truth.

But even if she were to tell us, the other's and I probably would have already known she was unwell and was keeping the truth from us so we wouldn't worry too much about her. Mostly because she knew what generation we were in...

Even so, I wish she would have told us sooner than for me to find out first.

Leo (Leonardo) pov.

The weekdays went on as normal, normal routines of resting, practice, day-off, practice, and finally, into space we go. However, this day felt...different from the other regular weeks. On this particular day, we were assigned to perform in another galaxy to help inspire a whole planet to fight for their freedom, and the funny thing is. This galaxy was Marceline's home, but the planet that needed help wasn't her planet. We prepared ourselves for the show, wondering what song and dance we will be performing, and what to expect when the enemy attack, until...it happened.

~Performance day~

3rd Pov.

"Alright kiddies, your last performance was great, and it nearly put me to tears from what song you all picked!" Clapping her hand to get our attention, Ms. Shinoda (Mimori Kishida) said with a smile on her face. The new members turned their attention to see Ms. Shinoda and Ms. Ichijō.

"But today, you will be performing in a whole new different field, so give it your all alright. No slacking, no getting scared, and no and I mean NO backing down!" Ms. Ichijō yelled with determination burning within her heart. The 80th generation smiled back to them now feeling a new set of confidence overflow in them.

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" The team yelled standing straight like soldiers.

"Good, and just how you guys did out there before, proves to us that you are all capable of fulfilling yours and these people dream of being free and reaching your goal. You will be their light, their hope, and their dreams!" Ms. Sono shout entering the room with Ms. Katagiri.

"Don't forget, AKB0048 are their answer to their revolution as well as ours. Am I correct, Ms. Marceline?" Ms. Katagiri asked addressing Marce by her first name.

"She's right, the people of Mars have suffered enough under the control of a very fierce governmental organization known as the Gjallarhron's," Marce explain to her teammates before taking center position.

"We will be their guide in their fight for freedom!" Marce said raising her right fist into the air.

"So, answer me this, trainee and senior's, are you willing to put your life on the line for a planet who cannot defend themselves!? To help and guide these people to their dreams, their hope, and their freedom?" Ms. Katagiri announced now standing beside Ms. Sono.

"MA'AM, YES, MA'AM!!" The team yelled together then returned to their normal routine.

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