Chapter 1:So this is how we met :)

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"Don't try to make me stay

or ask if i'm okay

I don't have the answer"

Full loud volume as I enter my car. I take off my earphones taking a break from a BEAUTIFUL voice. I sigh. Its so hard to study all day and stillnot get good grade, I'm a straight Astudent but now a days my grades are horrible.

I start the car until I reach the main road and my phone rings. Its Mom.


"hey darling how are you?"

"i'm fine, just got result of our tests"

"how did it go?"

"it didn't go well mom, I don't know why..."

"Maybe somethings bothering you, Jade dear is it about some boy stuff"

"no mom are you crazy you know imnot into those things and..."


"Holy shit, mom i'll call you later"

with that I turn off my phone and get off the car.I bumped my car into someone elses while talking to mom.

the car driver steps out, I don't look up to him but I know its a male. I examine his car.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry  I was talking on the phone and I wasn't concentrating, I swear I can pay the repair bills etc..."

"hey no its ok, you don't need to"

"no, I have to its my fault and your cars pretty broken" still not looking up

"well your car is also broken"

"yeah but..." that's when I look at him.

Who is he? Where have I seen him? Do I know him?

my idol stands  before my eyes no one other than Niall Horan himself

"holy cow, youre Niall Horan!"

"hey are you directioner?"


"lord don't scream!"

"no don't worry I wont"

Idk why but I have a good way of hiding my emotions no one can judge me from the outside. Although my heart was screaming and jumping but outside everything was normal -teehee

"Oh yeah so what about the car thingie?"

"oh Niall, I'm sorry I wasn't playing attention to the road but I promise ill pay the bills"

"oh no no you don't need to cmon, wait whats your name?"

"Jade, Jade Tomlinson"

"Niall, Niall Horan"

"ofc, I know who you are silly"

"hahah well I was guessing are you louis' long lost sister?"

"lol nope" popping the p.

"phew he already has a lot"

I laugh.

"well I should be going by now" he says

 "oh yeah sure"


"so give me your number so I can call you and tell you the bill for my car repair"

"Oh sure, do call me. after all it was my fault"

I give him my number and we give each other a hug and say goodbyes

I reach home. OPen the door and jump on my bed. Right now I'm thinking why would niall ask for my number so he can tell me the bill, I mean he's a billionaire cant he pay for his car. I laugh but in the end it was my fault.

Today was probably the best and worst day because:


"hey mom"

"jade, what happened earlier, you just ended the call"

I laugh nervously "oh mom when"


"what the hell are you saying"

I tell her the whole story and then she shouts at me about how I should concentrate on the road and blah blah.

after I end the phone call Sara enter the room. I don't tell her anything. She tells me about her day and I tell her about mine. Sara has a boyfriend, Jake. Jake and I are like brother and sister. He is always protective for me unlike my ex.

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