Chapter 22: Past is Past

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I wake up and look around. The house is whipped clean. Niall is not there

"goooood morning darling" I hear a male say but that's not Niall. I get up and Jake stands there. I haven't seen him for a week.

"JAKEEEEE!" I get up and hug him

"hahhaa looks like you guys missed each other" Sara says. "AND JADE TOMLINSON WHEN YOU HAVE A FUN NIGHT WITH YOUR BOYFRIENDS-TO-BE REMEMEBR TO CLEAN IT!!!!!!!!!"

"hahaha I'm sorry" I laugh "where is he though"

"when Sara and I came he was just leaving so we told him not to wake you up." Jake says in a good tone that means he has no worries with Niall and me being close


"anyways I'm making breakfast for you both" Sara says.

she leaves.

"Jake?" I call him"

"I wanted to tell you something"

he looks at me

"everything fine?"

I walk to him and sit on the sofa with him. he puts a hand around my shoulder

"I.... umm... well yesterday NIall and I were at the mall... and..."

"what happened Jade, did he ask you out?if he did you don't have to worry about it he is a nice boy..."

"noooo. he didn't ask me out... I kinda saw... Drake"

In that moment Jake's face totally changes. from caring to clenched jaws


"I saw him and I told NIall that we needed to leave so we left and... that's why I wanted him to stay over because I was scared alone and being with him makes  me happy"

"Jade, I don't know why God has sent this bastard back. But he doesn't mean anything to you, me or anyone else. He is PAST. Tend to leave past behind you. I love you, Sara loves you, Mrs. Tomlinson, Michael, Niall... and if there is only one hater then to hell with him. Just don't try to come in contact with him AND if you do, act rude, and TELL ME JADE, YOU HAVE TO TELLL ME"

"I will" I smile "but I'm scared jake, fear, anger, past it all hits me in one place. I regret my past."

"Jade look, you don't regret your past, you regret the people you wasted time with in the past"

I do nothing but smile at him and he smiles back "I love you"

"I love you too" He hugs me.

"did you tell Sara?"

"no but I will"


We both go into the kitchen. Jake pecks Sara on the lips. I wonder how he said sorry to her. Love is written on their faces. We eat breakfast.

"SINCE, I made the breakfast, you both clean the dishes" Sara says

Jake sends me flying a kiss "My beautiful sister, the most pretty, loyal..."


"thats not fair" Jake fake cries and we alll laugh. In the end Jake and i both clean the kitchen. I go to my room and take a bath. I

Todays Aim:-



I reach home thinking about the beautiful night. Maybe not now but soon we will be each others. I walk in my flat.

Liam calls

"Where are you Niall?"

"Just got home"

"from where"

"I stayed at Jades"


"WHAT?" I look at time 1.30pm screwwww "I'm cominggggg"

I go to the studios and tell the lads about yesterday. they make jokes on me and Jade about us getting married and having kids with artificial blondehair and stuff. I tell them to shut up but my heart says 'yes, more'

When recording is done I head back to my car and I get a text.

From Jade <3

Hey Niall, thank you for being there for me last night :) appreciated.

To Jade <3:

No problem princess, it was my job ;) ly

From Jade<3;

lyt <3

I just don't want the conversation to end.

That's when I get a call. I though it would be Jade, but its JAKE! why would he call me? shit? maybe about last night?

I pick up


'hey Niall' he says cheerfully

'how are you?'

'I'm fine how about you'


'niall are you free today?'

'umm yes, why?'

'I wanted to meet you'


'can we meet up?'

'yes ofcourse why not'

We decide the place and time. Shit what does he want? I'm scared. Is he going to stop me from meeting jade.

'oh and please don't tell Jade'


'well bye then, see you' he says, his words are happy but is he being sarcastic.

'see you.'


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