Chapter 8: The Lunch

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11 am. Fuck Alarms. I mean who invented these fucking devices. I groan and get up. FUCK TODAY I HAVE TO GO TO LUNCH WITH NIALL AT 1PM. I get up quickly and take a bath. I take out the outfit which Jae bought me. My cuts from last night are visible. I sigh looking at them

I quickly take a shower, put on my coconut shampoo. I just love its smell. I come out of the bathroom and someone nocks on my door. I put on my pyjamas. and open the door. Sara.

"Don't you need any help?"

"now that youre here, yes I do"

I thank god that I'm wearing pyjamas and the cuts aren't visible. and my outfit is also casual which is leather jacket and jeans

"where is Jake?"

"he has work to do so he wont be here for 2 days"

"jade, I'm sorry about yesterday,i heard you crying. Jake was also crying. He thinks  he is proving to be a bad, irresponsible and not protective brother. He really loves you."

"i know Sara, but sometimes he's just too much"

"i know, I spend more time with him than you do so I know more" she laughs

its 12.30 am and I'm all ready. Hair in a pony tail. Black jeans and leather jacket. no purse. New black metallic iPhone cover.

"you look fantastic"

"hahaha really? do you think he'll like it I mean me?"

"Jade, I'm not sure but the boy who doesn't love you will be a fool."

"hahahha that helped" I say sarcastically

"hahahha that helped" I say sarcastically

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*ring ring ring*



"hey jade"

"hey Niall"

"so are you ready/"

"for what" I laugh


"ofcourse I am duffer"

"lord you scared me"

"that's my job Mr. Horan"

"hahaha k I'm coming to pick you up in 10. okay?"


"see ya"


the call ends

13 minutes later I hear the door bell ring.

I run

"HEY JADE" he embraces me in a hug

"Hey NIALL!"

"lets go c;mon"

I say goodbye to sara. he opens the car door for me.

" lady"

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