Chapter 31: Bye

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8am and the alarm starts barking. Fuck them again. I move as I realize that Niall is right next to me and today he is leaving for New York. I slowly get and go the washroom. I enter the kitchen,put my hair in a messy bun and make us both breakfast.

When I am done with the breakfast. I go to the lounge and wake niall up.

"niall... niall wake up its 8 am"

"hmmm" he says and rolls to the other side.

"Niall! youll get late for your flight!"

"yeah I'm up!" he says and quickly sits up. Hair all across his face, fluffy hair that I feellike touching. His eyes so blue and pretty. he is almost unconscious, he sleeps while sitting.


"yeah yeah" he stands and runs to his room.

What the hell is he doing. I follow him to his room and he jumps on the bed and then sleeps again.

"niall!" I go to him and he places his head in my lap.

"hhaha don't it tickles."


"well I made breakfast and its gonna get old plus your flight leaves at 2pm and Liam said you have to be there at 10am. So get up"

"I know, life is so unfair"

"yeah it is but not all the times. Now get up"

"okay MOM!" he says and goes to the bathroom while I go back to the lounge and set the breakfast on the terrace table. as I set the  plates on the table I hear Niall sayingsomething.

"breakfast outside?"

"yeah the weather is so pretty" I say

"youre also very pretty"

"same Niall same" I say as I laugh a little and he takes the seat. We both eat the things I made. Laughing at small things and talkingabout many things in such a small time.



"have you packed your bag?"

"almost, just little things left"


"I'm gonna miss you" he says while giving me a hug. I hug him tightly because I don't want him to leave.

"I'm gonna miss you more"

"but ill be back in no time and for the time being you can concentrate on college and stuff."

"yeah" I say still hugging him. he pulls away and kisses my head and I smile and him. I give him a small peck on the lips.

"hey that was tiny" he says and then I pull him in for a long kiss.

"I love you" he says

"more" I smile at him. I am really awkward at moments like these. I just don't know what to do.

We both go to his room and finish his packing.

"Skype me everyday" He says

"I will"





"I love you"

"yes oh shit I mean I love you too" I say as I laugh and so does he.

"youre adorably dumb"

"I feel offended Niall Horan!"

"hahaha you should feel that"

I elbow his arm and give him a stare as he laughs.

"so its done then, the packing" He says

"yeah"i say and I hug him tightly "I'm gonna miss you a little"

"I'm also gonna miss you so much WAIT WHAT?"

"hahah just kidding Ni"

He hugs me tightly and plants a kiss on my head. he pulls away and looks at me.

"1 week"

"1 week."

I help him get the suitcases in the car and we both drive to the airport We don't talk much because we both are sad. Its just one week afterall but I've never been in the sense of getting so attached to someone. Soon we reach the airport and Niall gets his bags out of the car. There is media everywhere. The paparazzis and the fans. They all are shouting and I laugh at how I used to be one of them.

"stay close Jade" niall says as holding my hand as weboth struggle our way through them. There is a guard by Nialls side who came out of no where.

Niall, me and the guard get past that frenzy and I can see the boys and their girlfriends there. but I can also see Karen, Liams mum.

WE approach them as they notice us. I meet everyone normally but when I meet Harry  I start laughing and so does he.

"Why are you laughing Jade?" he asks while laughin, he looks so adorable

"Why are you laughing Harry?" I say still laughing. WE both laugh a little because we bothknow the reason for our laugh is the LUCY -THING!

"Mom this is Jade" Liam introduces me to Karen.

"hi dear" she says sweetly while giving a small hug

"nice to meet you Karen" I say and she smiles

"same Jade"

We all sit in the waiting area and soon the flight is announced.  I look at Niall and he looks at me.

"this is it" he says

"yeah" I reply as I force a smile on his face.

The guards pick up their bags and everyone gets up to meet their girlfriends and Karen.

Niall hugs me tightly and I hug him back. I can feel the tears in my eyes and I manage to control them. I really don't want him to go. What I drake confronts, what if I get into a fight with Jake or Sara, what if something else happens.

He pulls back and gives me a short but passionate kiss.

"love you" he says giving me a weak smile

"more" I place a hand on his chest and then pat it.

"see you then"

"yeah" I say before giving him another hug and a peck on the lips. the others give me hugs. they turns away and walks towards the boarding area before  niall turns back to face me and blowing a kiss. I do the same. when I cant see the boys anymore I turn to walk towards my car.

"hey jade?" Danielle asks

"yeah" I say facing her

"we were wondering how about coffee?"

"umm I wish I could join but I have exams coming up so I thought id spent the day studying"

"oh no worries sometime else" she says and smiles

"yeah sure"i smile back.

I get in the car and I receive a message on my phone.

From Niall <3:

I miss you already </3

to Niall <3

don't make me cry! </3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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