Chapter 1

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Sitting at the restaurant table Iyanna was interrupted by a fine light skinned man.

Guy - "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room" he said pointing to the table where him and his friends sat

Iyanna - "Well thank you"

Guy - "Can I get your number"

Iyanna - "Look, tell your friends I was feeling you and call it a day, no need to spit game to show off" she finally said

He had nothing to say after that just got up and walked away. Trying to enjoy the rest of her meal another man tapped on her shoulder.

Iyanna - "Can I help you" she said irritated, she looked up at him instantly regretting getting smart, he was caramel skinned, tattoos, about 6'2, and he had a smile to die for

Guy 2 -"Sorry for interrupting you but you're gorgeous" he said as he walked away

Iyanna's POV

That's it ? I'm not bragging but I would expect him want to take me out, or even get my number.

She brushed it off and headed home to change for the club tonight, she had to stop and see her Dad first, he stayed far away. She pulled up at his huge house, and let herself in.

Iyanna - "Dad ?"

Him - "Hey Baby Doll"

Iyanna - "What you been up to ?"

Him - "Nothing much, gotta go out of town for business, I'll be back in three days"

Iyanna - "Well, I'll be back to check on you then"

Him - "Ok" he said hugging her

She went home, by this time it was nine o'clock. She put on her black leather pants, grey crop top, and grey heels with silver studs on the back, pinned her hair up on the sides, and added silver accessories. She was ready to leave. She pulled up at the club, walked straight pass everybody else to get to the front. The bouncer always tried to holla so she got in easily, she seen the light skinned guy from earlier, grabbed his hand and pulled him in with her.

Guy - "What was that for" he asked confused

Iyanna - "The compliment, by the way I'm Iyanna Grey" she said as she stuck her hand out to shake his

Guy - "I'm Dre August it was nice to meet you, have a good time"

Iyanna - "You too"

They went their separate ways. All of sudden there was a lot of commotion in the middle of the dance floor. She seen Dre arguing with some thot. He stared directly at her, clearly he was irritated, so she decided to help him. Walking over to Dre she kissed him, right in front of ole girl. Everybody laughed as she stormed out. Dre grabbed her hand and headed to the door. Busting into his bedroom kissing her, they fell on the bed. Clawing at each others clothes, in the process Dre was opening a condom. Finally naked he inserted himself in her. She was tight and he was big. Shortly after, pain turned into pleasure. They went on for hours, tired out they fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

Dre's POV

Last night was great. I figured I could hang with Iyanna today to get to know her more.

Dre got up thinking since she wasn't in the bed maybe she went to the bathroom, which she didn't. He searched the whole house, but there was no sign of her ever being there.

Dre - "Wtf ?"

He finally accepted that he was fucked, and ducked, it was new to him.

Dre's POV

She really left. I mean I wasn't trynna wife her on the first night, but damn, now I see how those thots feel when I leave before they wake up.

He took a shower, and got dressed in a red polo shirt, white trues, and red Jordans, and headed out to go shopping.

Pulling up at a new jewelry store, he noticed a familiar face through the mirror. Getting out the car, he walked in to see it was Iyanna.

Dre's POV

Damn, baby girl was cashing out. But I still wanna know what made her leave my house this morning.

Dre - "Hey stranger" he said being sarcastic

Iyanna - "Hey" she never looked up from the jewelry

Dre - "Why you acting like that"

Iyanna - "Like what ?"

Dre - "Like last night ain't happen"

Iyanna - "I know it happened, I'm just doing you a favor and forgetting about it"

Dre - "You couldn't forget if you tried" he said as he looked around to see if anyone was paying attention, then he grabbed her cat, it was obvious she got some

She moaned in pain, and quickly covered her mouth. They both smirked at each other. Iyanna's phone rang bringing them both back to earth.

Iyanna - "Talk, ok move the shit where they can't find it, I'm on my way" she said irritated

Dre - "You ok ?"

Iyanna - "Yeah, take this, call me tonight" she gave him a card then left

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