Chapter 18

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*5 Months Later*

Iyanna's POV

Those words repeated through my head every night "If he's mine would you stay or leave me". I never answered his question, I just left. Yeah I know he was born before Dre met me but it was to much to handle. I missed him to death but I don't know If I would go back to him, I got used to my new life. If your wondering Dre sees Demetrius every weekend, it's convenient for both of us. We never ever talk, being that my Mom moved back she's been the middle man, that's how we communicate. I am with someone else, his name is Lorenzo, and he makes me happy. He was the guy I met at the restaurant before Dre came up to me. I ran into him awhile after I left Dre, and we hit it off. Even though we are together, he has never met Demetrius, that's just hella disrespectful to let another guy around him without Dre's permission. Lorenzo and I never had sex, even after all this time, when I told Dre it was his, I meant it, no one put it down like Dre and I won't settle for less than him, until he finds himself, I'm chilling.

Dre's POV

Iyanna left me five months ago. I know I might seem like a stalker but I got people looking over her to make sure she's alright. I see she with somebody, it hurt cause I didn't know she was serious about moving on. I haven't seen Shay since the day she told me I had a son, we never got a test or nothing. She just popped up and left. My relationship with Iyanna is on a thin line, I just need a test to clear my name, and get her back. I always tried calling, or having her Mom ask her to meet with me but she turns me down, after awhile I just stopped and accepted my first love is never coming back. I never go out, and I mean never. I took Iyanna all over, so every place had memories. But I'll pull through some way or another.

Cortez - "Dre get yo ass out this bed and get dressed, you ain't been to no parties or strip clubs in months, you going gay on me ?" He said pulling the covers off

Dre - "I'm not going gay ever, and I'm not going to no strip club !"

Cortez - "Man Iyanna left, get over it, the old Dre would have been fucked about two million other girls the day she left, your going to this party rather you like it or not"

Dre- "Fine, but no strip club, I'll go to the party"

Cortez - "Deal"

He went through my closet finding clothes and tossing them on my bed, then he started the shower and left out. I got up dragging my feet and took a long shower. I got dressed in a white polo, faded blue true religions, and white Jordans. It was already ten so we left. When we got there it was packed with people. Me and Cortez went our separate ways leaving me standing in the living room surrounded by women. I was uncomfortable but I had to suck it up, and enjoy myself. The door opened and Rocky walked in, she was somebody I did not want to deal with.

Rocky - "He you, we meet again" she said smiling hard

Dre - "Don't get excited"

Rocky - "Why you acting like that, you need a stress reliever ?"

She was right I did, but I was still trying to get Iyanna back so I shut her down.

Dre - "Nah I'm good, anything else ?"

Rocky - "Yeah I need to talk to you for a minute"

She grabbed my hand and then Iyanna walked in. Seeing her, in the flesh, brightened my world, she had on faded ripped jeans, and purple short sleeve, and black flats. I smiled hella hard until I seen the guy standing next to her. She seen Rocky holding my hand and like I expected she assumed I was with her cause her mood changed from happy to uncomfortable. I snatched away from Rocky making her flinch.

Rocky - "Are you ok ?"

Dre - "Amazing, can I have some space ?" I asked annoyed

Rocky - "Sure"

She acting like she didn't sense my vibe I was giving her but oh well. Iyanna walked to the bathroom and that was my chance. I waited then followed her. She didn't lock the door so I went in, and saw her fanning herself like she was nervous.

Dre - "Iyanna ?"

Iyanna - "Dre ?" She swooped around so damn fast I though she broke something

Dre - "Yeah it's me, what are you doing here ?"

Iyanna - "Thought I'd step out for awhile, you ?"

Dre - "Haven't left the house in five months only to get Demetrius so Cortez forced me out the bed" I said shrugging my shoulders

Iyanna - "I don't think we should be here alone"

She turned around with her back facing me fanning herself again and I turned to leave, but as if signaled we both ran into each other. She kissed me so passionately, like her life deepened on it. We stopped to catch our breaths and she had a tear rolling down her face.

Dre - "What's wrong ?" I was still holding her face

Iyanna - "I-I just missed you, so damn much" another tear fell

Dre - "Then why did you leave ?"

Iyanna - "I only left to give you space to think, I never meant to catch feelings for someone else,  it just happened and I'm so sorry"

Dre - "I forgive you, just please come back"

Iyanna - "It's not that easy, just give me some time to let him down easy"

Dre - "Take as long as you need, just promise you will come home" she stared deep in my eyes

Iyanna - "I promise"

How yall feel about her leaving ?
Will she actually leave Lorenzo for Dre or nah ?

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