Chapter One

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 I'm dedicating this Chapter to The-Black-Rose for reading my story and being my onyl commenter, thanks.


“Come on Katherine, get up let’s do something, we can go flying or I’ll teach some stuff.” Michael pleaded above her; she lay dully on her new bed, in her new room, at Michael’s new house. So many new changes she thought not bothering to shield her thoughts and she knew Michael was picking up on them. So many people she loved gone. Her parents, Lucifer, even her aunt and uncle thanks to her murdering bitch of sister downstairs.

“I heard that!” Katherina yelled from her room.

“I hate looking after stuck up, snobby, teenage girls!” Michael said very loudly and Katherina gave a laugh before coming into Katherine’s room. So much change it was too much. She wanted her old house, she wanted her old bedroom, she wanted her parents, and she most definitely did not want to get up. If she did she’d have to walk through Michael’s house, missing her old one, and answer nosy questions she didn’t want to answer.

“My questions aren’t that bad,” Michael said and a pillow was thrown from across the room then the sound of her closet being opened.

“Get out of my closet!” She shrieked and leaped out of bed and onto Michael’s back so fast she was a blur. “Stay out!” She cried and stood in front of it trembling.

‘She’s hiding something,” Katherina said and she ran so fast that when Katherine blinked she was standing across the room and Katherina had thrown her closet doors wide. Their eyes popped wide and their mouths hung wide, across the wall of the closet hung pictures of Katherine and Lucifer laughing, holding hands, kissing, or just holding each other’s. But the ones beneath those were pictures that Katherine had painted. An angel falling from the sky, an angel with wide black wings lying on the ground blood soaking the ground beneath it and a girl crying over the angel. A close up picture of a girl’s face sorrow in her eyes and a single tears tracing down her cheek. There was one picture that was so new the paint was still wet and it was close up of a girl’s face again. This time a look a pain and hopelessness in her eyes, the background was of darkness never ending darkness.

Michael and Katherina turned to see her blinking back tears, “that’s why I didn’t want you to look.” She whispered before turning away and falling onto her bed with a plop. She sniffed and said almost crossly, “I miss him that’s why.”

“Well you just had to say something,” Michael said with a frosty tone. She turned around staring at him he’d never been so cruel to her, especially when she was on the verge of crying. Now she burst into tears. Katherina zipped to her side, and glared at Michael.

“Get out,” she said her voice harsh and if looks had been knives Michael would be long gone by now.

“But-t-t, i—i-I you-u- can’t tell me what to do,” he spluttered.

“Get out!” Katherina yowled at him and with that he darted to the door. She moved over to rub Katherine’s back reassuringly murmuring nonsense about how insensitive guys were. After a few minutes Katherine’s tears stopped until all that was left was her red nose and pink eyes.

Fallen(Changing Into His Enemy's Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora