Epilogue 2

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Katherine squinted against the fierce light streaming from the upper part of the gate way, the last thing she remembered, dying in Sebastian’s arms. After that she’d remembered the painful part of shedding her human shell, then finally free of it floating on wings of the purest white nothing like her normal ebony. She remembered seeming too completely above the earth, above anything just watching over the ones she’d left behind. But that tome had felt like years before she wandered away toward the stairway.

Even now she stood in front of the stairway, stretching her wings, furling and unfurling them. Until one day she took a simple step upward. Katherine stood on the first step gazing at all the others standing at the top outline by the pulsing light behind them. She gaped at their brilliance until she saw one more appear, she trembled his dark wings flared behind him and the others respectful backed away. All it took was one simple word. “Katherine.”

She ran, she fell and scrambled up the steps to fast for anything to see. She reached the top and all she could see was white blazing white, she ran and ran toward him. The one she was told was dead, the one who was dead, the one who lived eternally, the one the died eternally. But all that didn’t matter she slammed into him, sobbing, hugging, gasping it was an overload of emotions. The second they touched every moment, every touch, and every kiss from they were alive was thrown into their minds. Every horror and every joy they experienced in one short years, in the one short years their lives fell apart.

No words were said after having the love they had for so long , they had abousltely no need of words; just to be close to each other was gift. Katherine looked up at that dear, battered, worn face she loved so much. She reached up stroking his cheek then laying her head on his shoulder not bothering to muffle her tears. But for once in her very short life theses were tears of joy and pain. Joy because he was here, alive; pain because how long would it be before he was taken from her again? How long until someone else decided they wanted her? How long until something else rose up to rip them apart? She knew it would happen but for the life of her didn’t want to know why, who or when.

“What do you mean?” Katherine asked again, Lucifer sighed wrapping an arm around her waist.

“I mean I have to go check on things,” Katherine let her eyes drop. Here she was clothed in white, a white sweatshirt with extremely white shorts. Standing in a field of white roses, with a blazing white sun, with a beautiful ocean with water so clean, so pure, so bright and beautiful that it out did any ocean back down on earth. Lucifer was the only dark thing there. Heaven was beautiful now if only her boyfriend didn’t have to go check on business in Hell.

“Where are you checking things and why can’t I come?” Katherine begged him clutching his arm.

“I’m going to check things in…Hell, and I’d rather you not see all things there.” He said staring down on her.

“Oh,” she said then took a deep breath before reaching up to kiss him; she felt his hand on the back of her head the other stroking her cheek. After he leaned back she murmured, “I get it, maybe I can find Michael while you’re gone.” Her voice was soft as she thought about Michael, Aaron, Tristan, her parents, and Katherine. “I hope everyone we left our okay and stuff.”

“I’m sure there, fine.” Lucifer murmured kissing her temple and hugging her close to him.

“I hope so; I miss Aaron and Sebastian and even Katherina and Michael.” Katherine said then looking straight ahead added, “even if they did betray me and deliver me to the people who would kill me.” She heard Lucifer’s sharp intake of breathe and cuddled closer to him.

“Come on, follow me home.” Katherine nodded and watched him unfurl his wings of solid black and float up into the sky easily. Katherine smiled and ran she felt her wings tears through her skin and unfurl to their true glory, she threw herself up into the air feeling the wind catch her and send her up thousands of feet into the air. She felt the warm winds of Heaven helping her glide of God’s greatest frontier; she soared over god’s home. She looked down to see rolling hills made with the richest, darkest, and healthiest green. Over the lakes made with the bluest of bluest and then the palace made of pearls from the sea, scrubbed until they shone so bright you couldn’t look right at for risk of going blind.

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