Chapter Three

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I'm just going to give you guys a warning here. Remember i was ten when i wrote this so there goning to be a part that might confuse you. Kinda like a tree coming alive so i apologize for any confusion there.



“Katherine, Katherine.” Someone was calling her name. But she was floating in a void of darkness and pain filled with screams and cries. Like she wasn’t connected to her body, she could still hear and feel. She could hear furious sobbing, fierce yelling, she could feel tear drops hittign her body along with blasts of immense pain. Pain she htought blerily then she heard her own voice scream. Burning pain like her veins were sealing up, her heart thumping faster and faster, her body arching up in fusrious spams of it. She heard more screams then felt her throat drying up. Faintly she heard other people screaming, and what sounded like fists hitting flesh. She felt like there was a fire  burning through her chest, very dimly she heard anguished cries and the high keening sound of something in immense pain. She started to flip rolling back and forth, suddenly everythign that touched her was ure agony. Even the sratch of her clothes on her back, even the feel of her own tears rolling down her cheeks was enough for her to wail in pain.

Suddenly she was crying out from the pain in her chest. It was like her heart was stopping beating, the pain became worse she felt something sink into her wrist. She writhed flopping around like a fish out of water, until she tumbled off whatever she’d been lying on. She rolled into a ball rocking back and forth cryng out in pain when the thing that was in her wrist drew back, she felt something dripping down from her wrist to her arm, blood she thought fuzzily. A hand reached down to touch her cheek, she cried out it was toture. She felt more hands touching her, cradling her, she fought them weakly, screaming and hitting them with her fists before she felt something push against her mind, coaxing her into calm oblivon. She fell into it gratefully, her last sensation being someone’s arms wrap around her.

Katherine’s arms blinked open slowly to see worried dark blue ones, black ones, plae blue ones, and deep brown ones. “Hmm?” She whispered her voice scratchy and hurting her throat as she spoke.

“Katherine,” several relieved voices chorused. She almost laughed but had a feeling it would hurt a lot more than if she spoke.

“Michael, Aaron, you came.” She said wonderingly. They nodded both staring intensly at her her. She twisted her head to see Lucifer standing a few feet away. She reached out a hand slowly painfully toward him, instantly he was beside her staring down on her, his hand caressing her cheek. “What, what happened?” She asked her eyes seaching his, questioningly, painstakingly.

“One of Javier’s friends h-he found his way into the house and saw you just sitting there, as innocent as ever. He bit you right before I tried to warn you, his fangs, Javier told me, that they were abnormally long and they injected the venom quickly.” His voice was steady all the way through and when he sat down next to her on the couch she propped herself up on her elbows leaning on him, glad for his sturdy frame. “Javier he sukced the posion out and saved your life, you were screaming so loud after he sucked all the posion out I pushhed youo into a mental blackout.” Lucifer’s  hand stroked calmingly up down her arm.

“Javier saved me?” She asked wonderingly then pulled herself into sitting position.   

“Yeah.,” Aaron said clearly astounded.

“Where were you? These past few days.” Katherine asked urgently reachign for his hand to squeeze before droppping it.

“I had Michael tell you visiting family,” he said and moved away. Almost instanuesouly she knew, that though words were coming out of his mouth, his eyes were saying a very different thing. She nodded and painsakingly she stood up wobbling.

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