Chapter Six

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Katherine felt herself being shaken awake; almost before her eyes opened her fists were swinging. Her eyes jumped open as her fist was stopped cold, she shrieked as the blinding pain in her hand increased, she cradled the hand to her chest sniffling. She heard the sound of someone murmuring in satisfaction in front of her, she looked up wiping the tears away.

“Hello, sweetheart.” A hand grasped her chin yanking it roughly up, she glared into sapphire eyes. Her eyes widened at the familiar tone and eyes, Luca. The name sent shivers down her spine and not the good ones.

“I’m not your sweetheart,” she growled ripping her face free of his hands, feeling grateful that she’d drink Shadow.

“Right,” Luca said standing up and clapping his hands, “I’m leaving that job for my son.” He grinned evilly. “But first I have to make sure your right and experienced.” Katherine had been looking around the room she was in, glaring at the dull gray walls, the concrete floor, the only windows barred over. But his words made her snap out of her daze.

“Experienced?” She asked nervously as he began to pace back and forth seeming agitated. He stopped in front of her, his eyes watching her like she was a piece of meat.

“Experienced,” he repeated, “and you’re not going to like the practice, sweetheart.” Her eyes widened then and she tried to run, but he picked her up slamming into the floor. She cried out feeling her bones breaking. “Shut up,” he growled angrily. She screamed, cried out for help, she felt his hands snatch her arm pulling her around then him slapping her. The night was filled her blood and screams.

Katherine abruptly was woken by the sound of the steel door that sealed her in slamming shut, she shut her eyes memories of last night flooding her, and then she was sobbing, rocking back and forth. Luca, the name was like a dirty thing, he’d beaten her, and if that wasn’t enough, he decided to rape her just rack up some hate points.

She rocked back and forth, longing for the comfort of Lucifer’s arms, even Shane who she didn’t even know would be good enough right now. She was shaking, shivering really, terrified any moment Luca was coming back. Her head whipped around at the sound of the door opening, Luca stepped in grinning. “Put theses one,” he said tossing her a pants and a shirt, his eyes raking down her naked body. Shivering she climbed into them, him watching the entire time, she pulled herself into a corner. Luca walked over and grabbed her arm hauling her to her feet; he yanked her toward the door.

“Where are we going?” Katherine managed to whisper wincing as he gripped a bruise too tightly.

“To meet my son Shane, and you will behave or I will give you a repeat of last night and trust me” He turned to look at her, “I would love every minute of it.” Katherine shivered as he opened the steel door and shoved her into a bare room; he came in behind her shutting the door.

Katherine didn’t even bother looking at him; her eyes were glued to the man standing in the back of the room. Sapphire eyes glared out at her from under a shock of dirty blond hair, his mouth twisted down in a grimace when he saw her. Katherine could only imagine what she looked like, dressed in rags that hardly qualified as clothing, dark hair in a messy tangle, dark blue eyes fearful. Bruises covering every inch of her, yeah she was definitely a pretty picture. 

“Shane this is Katherine Burnett.” Luca said shoving her toward him, she almost tripped, tears finding their way to her face. “She’s going to be your new wife, have fun wither her.” Just like that he left walking out delivering Katherine like she was some kind of toy.

“Hi, Shane.” Katherine mumbled suppressing her tears.

He grunted something in response that might have been a reply. He gave a loud sigh then strode toward his sapphire eyes glinting, he grabbed her chin wrenching it the side so he could see her bare neck. She didn’t even bother to question him, she felt him fasten his mouth on her neck, and then she nearly dropped to the floor as he bit into her neck, making blood flow. She rasped in a breath shoving at him trying to get him off, she felt him stop biting stop drinking, then move back and press to fingers to her bleeding neck.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, “I was hungry.” He glared at her daring her to say anything. Katherine just whimpered pathetically, backing away from him. “Don’t worry babe, this won’t hurt…much.” That’s when she began screaming.

Three months, Katherine thought blearily, as she sat on her small little bed in a room off the main house. She only slept with Shane when he decided to be the nice guy which meant he wanted her for sex. Three months since Michael and my sister betrayed me, three months since I’d seen Lucifer, three months in this hell hole. I growled in anger picked up my marker and hurling it at the nearest wall which so happened to be the one that held my only picture of Lucifer, I shrieked in anger as it feel shattering on the ground. I felt my hopes of ever leaving of escaping shatter with it; I slid off my knees and knelt down in front of the picture and not for the first time sobbed.

I heard the door open and scrambled to stand up until I saw it was Sebastian, I sank back down onto my knees. “Here,” I looked up and smiled gratefully taking the towel and twisting around my hand which was bleeding slightly. I saw him looking down on the picture he reached for it; terrified of him ripping I snatched holding it close to me and cowering beside my bed waiting for the blow that was sure to come.

Sebastian knelt down next to her, wiping the tears away. “Hey, hey it’s alright.” He said Katherine felt a huge so rise up in her.

“Nothings alright, nothing will ever be alright.” She hissed then she broke. All the sadness, anger, and pain rushed out of her, she sobbing into Sebastian. Pummeled him with her fists, cried again, hit him again, it went on and on until she was finally lying in his arms exhausted. “I’m never going home, aren’t i?” She whispered to him, slowly he nodded, and that one brought on a whole new round of sobbing.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He mumbled lowering his face to her hair. Her crying slowed and she pulled away standing up wobbling slightly.

“Why are you kind to me?” She asked quieted looking at the floor.

“Your abused every day, given rags as clothing, how can I not feel any compassion for you? You’re in a horrible situation yet you act strong about it,” He touched her cheek. “I never wanted to do any of this, I truly didn’t, and I didn’t want to ruin your life. How could I want to a perfectly good life? I did everything out a fear, Katherine, yet you’d never do that. I can tell,” he said quickly as she began to shake her head. “You’d die before you touched anyone you cared about.” He paused before continuing. “You’ve shouldered a great deal of pain for others yourself, but you’re not bitter about anything, I’m kind to you because right now your helpless, and I can’t watch you being hurt anymore.” He turned toward the door picking up his bow and quiver.

“Wait,” she called, “do you know where Lucifer is?” She asked as he turned back.

“Katherine,” he looked tiredly at the floor. “Luca killed him.”

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