Chapter Four

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When her eyes opened again, her parents and her brother were gone and she was still crying. She blinked again and aagin trying to force the tears back where they belonged. She laid out on her back, the ground was soft and a little dewy, the trees filtered the moonlight down into the little clearing where they were staying. She heard the soft breathing of her sister next to her, Michael’s shadowy form sat in a tree keeping watch, she just barely made out Lucifer’s form standing with his back to her. She sat up curling her knees to her chest, hiding her face in them rokcing back and forth. A hand landed on her shoulder she looked up into endless black eyes, she dropped her face to her knees feeling a few tears eek out.

Lips brushed her ear, “Katherine please, I need to talk with you.” She trembled.

“You’ve said and done enough,” The pain in her chest reared up so fast and deadly she cried out. She felt arms lift her and bring her to the edge of the clearing. She raised her head, a few more tears trailed down her face. Her eyes, she knew, were red all around the edges and sore.

“Please,” his voice brushed all aroud her and she shivered.

“Make it quick,” she murmured.

“I hated our fight Katherine, and what you saw with me and Katherina wasn’t what you thought.”

“No?” She said turning to look him full in the eyes.

“I swear, she was telling me how awful you looked and sad and told me to get my ass over there.” His eyes burned bright, “I swear that’s the truth.”

“Promise,” she looked him straight in the eyes.

“I promise,” he said his eyes flaring then dying back down. How long will it be until he breaks that promise. Katherine thought. He flinched and she scolded herself, he can read your thoughts just like Michael. “You really think I’d do that?”

“I don’t now what I think you’d do,” the instant the words left her mouth she regreted them. He nodded slowly abosrbing that, then turned to walk away. “Wait!” She cried and he kept walking, “I said wait.” She growled grabbing onto his arm her weigh keeping him anchored there. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

He just looked down on her so intensly she lowered her eyes looking everywhere but him. “I’m sure you didn’t,” he was laughing. Confused she scrambled up from the ground, brushing off dirt. He hugged her too him and she realized just how much she’d missed his embrace.

“Look I’m sorry for y’know and that stuff earlier,” she pushed the toe of her sneaker down into the dirt.

“You don’t have to say it I know.” She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, he made things so easy.

“Theres also something else I want to do.”

“What?” His hand gripped hers and she swung them back and forth.

“I want to go back to school,” she held her breath waiting for the, no.

But when she looked over at him his face was thoughtful, “if its what you really want.” He shrugged, “why not.”

“Yes!” She threw her fist into the air a grin stretchign over her face.

“I never thougth I’d see the day when you screamed, yes for school.” Katherina ambled over yawning. “Since none of us are letting you in there alone, I’ll go with you.” She ran a hand through her messy long hair.

“Hey, Michael!” Katherine shouted, his shadowy form started then fell to the ground. He swung down landing easily on his feet.


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