Chapter Seven

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It was three in the morning and Katherine still couldn’t stop crying. After Sebastian had told he’d left quickly, she’d gone numb, unable to express any emotion. But by the time Sebastian had returned, she’d was crying her eyes out. By three thirty she was gasping struggling to breathe through the tears and heart wrenching pain. She’d lost him once and now twice, he wasn’t coming back this time. He wouldn’t show up to rescue her; she was all on her own. At four in the morning, she was still gasping choking on the tears unable to breathe occasionally, by four thirty her body had been so exhausted she’d fallen unconscious still choking on the tears.

When she finally woke up, Sebastian had told her he had to give her CPR three times, “thank you.” She managed to whisper, eventually Sebastian left promising he be back tonight. She shuddered through the rest of the day, crying gasping struggling to keep it together. Her mind was continually flooded with images of him, cruelly showing her what she’d never have again. “He was an immortal, how could Luca kill him?!” She wailed at Sebastian her eyes flashing in distress and sadness. “How!”

Sebastian simply looked down on her quietly then raised his head murmuring to her, “he had me go for Lucifer’s throat, my arrows were dipped in a poison that nobody could resist.” She whipped her head up at that and tears blinded her vision the she was screaming.

“You killed him, you killed him, I’ll kill you, kill you, kill you!” Then there were no words she was just shrieking she sank down to her knees still screaming. “You murderer!” She shouted at him that’s when she started hitting him. “You’re a murderer! You murdered him, you murderer!” She was still hitting him, “you killer, you’re a heartless killer, you murderer!” Her voice had risen higher and higher until she was screaming at the top of her voice and she could see each word biting into him like a dagger. White hot emotions were shooting through her body faster than she could track. “You murderer!” Her emotions were becoming out of control normal anger became burning rage; normal grief became a blinding pain in her chest. She exploded. Her wings of ebony black ripping out of her back the skin splitting like paper, she was beating them furiously, a strange kind of high shrieking noise coming out of her as she tore into Sebastian. Beating him. Gradually her screams, died down into moans. “You killed him,” she was on her knees again her wings drawn tightly around herself, like she could shield herself from the pain. Even closing her eyes did nothing Lucifer’s face burned into her mind. Pain and tears washing over here, agony clawing a hole in her chest. Lucifer, gone? Impossible, pain burst in her as what was left of her heart shattered into a millions pieces.

Then in one instant it changed, bits of stone flew forth, covering her heart in anger. No more caring, caring equals hurt. I won’t let myself be hurt anymore. She thought, feeling great swaths of stone covering her heart and soul, no more love, no more pain, no emotions. When she opened her eyes again she was hardened, she locked all her happy memories, all her emotions behind a great steel door in her mind. Her eyes hardened, rock covered her soul not allowing anything out. Sebastian looked down on her his eyes pained as he realized she was done caring.

“Caring gets you hurt i won’t let myself be hurt anymore.” She said in a passive voice locking more feelings behind the steel. “No more caring, no more caring, no more caring, no more caring.” The words became a chant, she chanted them aloud and constantly in her mind. Adding more locks and chains they made sure that door couldn’t open again. But for one minute she gazed into Sebastian eyes, “I’m sorry.” She whispered leaning forward hugging him, “but I won’t let myself be hurt anymore.”  She moved back and she saw he understood. “I will look out for myself, I will always look out for myself.” With that she stood and turned away from Sebastian picked up Lucifer’s photo and with a loud ripping sound ripped it in half along with her heart.

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