Chapter 5

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Written by: UntameableWriter

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I held an annoyed expression and grunted slightly while I glared out the window. The sight of the carnival grew closer and closer as Travis drove towards it.

The screams and laughter of children and teens could be heard and I was already tired of this idea. "Why must we attend this social activity with screaming children everywhere and parents attempting to keep up?" I questioned and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Travis chuckled slightly and parked the car. I grumbled and watched him unbuckle himself and get out the car as I made no effort in moving my position. 

He noticed my lack of movement and walked over to my side of the car. Opening the door and sticking his head in, "Oh c'mon Zane! It'll be fun I promise. Just give it a try." 

I didn't speak, just stared at his face. The smile he was wearing was comforting and I got this feeling that was screaming at me to trust him. I shook my head to get that thought out of my head and looked forwards. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Travis's smile dropped to a small frown before he tilted his head when he heard the click of my seat belt signifying that I was taking it off. 

I twist my body to the side to get out of the car, nudging Travis a bit to the side as he was blocking the way, and I noticed that he was wearing a grin. My smallest actions seemed to make him quite content it appeared.

"Ah, great! Let's go Zane!" He slipped his hand onto mine and began to tug me towards the carnival. Rather than letting him drag me around everywhere, I picked up my pace to be walking besides him.

Travis paid for our admission and turned to face him. I was confused on why he did so, but I then noticed that he was placing a bracelet, that allowed us to get on any rides we wanted without paying with tickets instead, on me. "Thanks." I spoke and he happily hummed in response with his grin enlarging a bit more.

"Want to play games or go on some rides first?"


I followed Travis to the direction of all the rides, and he let me choose which one we would go on first. I scanned all the rides and the length of their lines before just pointing at some random one that seemed rather interesting.

The line wasn't that long and soon enough we were entering one of the multiple carts of the roller coaster. It progressively got faster like any other ride though it wasn't much to get me to scream along with everyone else apart of the ride.

It wasn't that interesting, the only thing was that my hair was flying everywhere, but around halfway the ride I felt something squeeze my hand. I turned my head to the side to see it was Travis grabbing my hand.

I cocked a brow in confusion before shrugging it off and squeezing his hand back in return. A little bit later and the ride, along with the screams, came to a stop. 

We got off and I was about to walk off to another line when the warmth from my hand left. I glance down to my hand to notice Travis had let go of my hand, and the moment I raised a hand I felt something touching my hair.

I frowned and began to shift uncomfortably as I soon glared at Travis noticing he was the one doing it. Before I could say anything, he interrupted me by speaking. "Sorry I know you hate people touching your hair, but it was messed up because of the ride and I wanted to fix it for you." 

I rolled my eyes as he gave me a sheepish smile and ran a hand through my hair. "Whatever," I muttered and started to walk off to the other rides. He trailed behind like some lost puppy, which was bugging me, so I slowed down my pace to the point where I was walking besides him.

We continued to go on the other rides before deciding to head to the games. At first we were just playing games for fun I suppose when I did the mistake of pointing out one of the plush toys to Travis on one of the games that are most definitely rigged to get people to waste their money.

I watched as he spent his money each time he failed to knock the stack of bottles and despite anything I told him he refused to give up. I sigh and walked over to his side as he was getting yet another five dollar bill to have another chance.

I swiped the money out of his hand and handed it to the person running the game. "Zane?" I ignored him and nodded my head as I was given three baseballs. 

I gripped one and stared at the stack of bottles I had to knock down. I remembered back then that Garroth was in the baseball team and I would be forced to sit through his practices with nothing but to watch him. Let's see if I managed to learn anything by just watching him.

I then tossed the ball straight at the stack, actually knocking it down, and was allowed to choose one of the prizes he had hanging from the booth. 

Of course I pointed at the plush toy, the whole reason why we wasted our time at this game, and thanked him when he gave it to me. 

"Here you go," I gave the plush to Travis and started to walk off. "Huh?? But you should have it! You wanted it and I tried getting it for you before you just simply won it yourself!" Travis retorts as he followed me trying to make me take the toy back. 

"I never verbally stated that I wanted it. I simply pointed at it besides you wasted your money on it, it would only be fair if you kept it." 

Travis stared at me before giggling a bit and nodding as he hugged the plush. "Oh my Irene it's so soft! Zane, hug it!!" Travis exclaimed. His green eyes glowing with joy as he pushed the toy to my arms. 

I hesitantly hugged it like he wanted me to do and my eyes widen a bit at how soft it felt. "Ha, see? I told you!" Travis chuckled and I returned it to him, which he instantly began to hug again.

I shook my head at how child like he was acting with the plush and chuckled quietly as I kept following him. Soon enough we went to get some food, it felt like we were some teenagers on a typical date at the carnival. 

Travis stared up at the night sky at the stars while taking a bite out of the funnel cake he bought. 

"It's getting pretty late, want to head back home?" He turned his head towards me. "Are we heading back or will you make up another destination we suddenly have to go midway?" I questioned earning a laugh from him. 

"Yes, we'll actually head back to the house." 

"Then let's do that. I'm tired of being surrounded by strangers."

We stood up and threw away our trash before heading back to his car. Once we both were buckled up, he started to drive away from the carnival. 

My gaze lingered on the carnival as it slowly got smaller and smaller. Memories of me and my two other brothers visiting the carnival with our family came to my head. Back when we were so young and close and not go behind our backs to tell a secret. I furrowed my brows and frowned slightly as I thought about Vylad.

"So, did you have fun?" 

Travis's voice caused me to leave my thoughts and look over at him. "Mhm, I did." I was far too tired to pretend like I didn't and I had to admit it was pretty fun at times. I wasn't sure if he continued to talk as the smooth movement of the car ride was making me feel very sleepy and soon enough the moment I closed my eyes, sleep had invited me into its arms.  

I'm Already Crazy, Dear •ZANVIS FF•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora