Chapter 6

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Written by: CarWritesFanfic


   I find myself walking up to an abrupt jolt in the car. Travis curses quietly under his breath, "This is lovely..." He mutters sarcastically. His hands slam onto the steering wheel lightly on the ring surrounding the horn.

   "What's going on?" I ask him curiously, asking the matter. My head turns, scanning my surroundings. Apparently, we're in a McDonald's parking lot, oddly... "We ran out of gas." Travis states.

   He groans quietly, his voice almost silent. Travis unbuckles his seat belt and shuffles out of the car. Me, being the curious person I am.. follow after him. He walks into the fast food restaurant, nonchalantly opening the door widely. He had forcefully pushed it open, causing the bell on the top of it to ring louder than usual.

   "Hi!" A cashier greets, "Welcome to McDonalds, how may I hel--" She gets cut off by Travis' voice, "Where's the nearest gas station?" Where I'm from, there are normally gas stations near McDonalds.

   She seems a bit taken aback, "Uhm, there's one about two blocks away from here." She replies truthfully, "East or West?" He questions. "East." The cashier states. Travis nods tiredly, "Thanks." He mumbles quietly, walking out. I trail behind him.

   I notice his reflection in the glass of a window near the exit of McDonald's. Tiredness if evident in his eyes, small bags under them. Somebody isn't a good night person, "How long have you been driving?" I ask, wondering how long it could have taken for Travis to get this tired.

   "About thirty minutes." Travis responds. I don't get how thirty minutes can tire him out, but okay. "Would you like me to drive?" I offer, though I have no idea where we are or how to get back to his house.

   And if you're wondering why I'm not necessarily calling it 'home', it's because it's not home. Not for me, at least. "No." Travis snaps, his voice unintentionally harsh. I don't say anything in response. I just stay quiet and walk beside him.

   "I'll get the gas," I start, "Stay here." I check my pockets and remember my knife is gone. I curse under my breath and sigh. "Fiine." Travis says grumpily as he plops into the car, arms crossed. The dim lighting of the car casts a small illumination on his face.

   My eyes rest on him before I tear my gaze and walk away in the direction the cashier had said to go. West? Was it? No.. It was East. I keep my eyes to the sidewalk in front of me, hands in my pockets.

   Lamp posts were scattered across the sidewalk, brightening my path with yellow tints of light. It was sketchy - being out after dark in a place you barely even know.

   But this could be my run for it. My escape from Travis.

   But do I really want to do that?

   I mean.. That was the original plan.

   Now I'm starting to doubt it.

   Oh no...


  Eventually, I end up at a rickety gas station. The main sign that has the title of the gas station on it looks as if its about to fall right off the building. Most of the big letters were either blinking or completely broken.

   This caused me to sigh. The reason of me being here anyways was a distant memory that just seemed to slip my mind.

   Then it clicks. . . Gas. How glamorous. I walked into the gas station, b-lining the aisle that has a stack of red gas tanks in it. As my hand clutches onto the uninviting red handle, I hear a familiar voice.

   The voice of Vylad Ro'Meave.

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