Endless Summer

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Hey, guys. Today you're--


John: Oh, for Pete's sake, Keith...

Pete: Yeah. For my sake.

Roger: That joke is so old. 

Yeah, well, Moonie. I was busy all day yesterday. So there.

Keith: Uh-huh... Sure...

I was! I had work and church!

Keith: And you HAD to watch that football game?

...Yes. Yes I did. The Sooners kicked ass. Shut up.

Keith: *rude sounds*

Moving on. The Endless Summer is a documentary that follows Michael (Mike) Hynson and Robert (Bob) August and, in some ways, Bruce Brown (the director) to the best surfing spots in the world. Brown narrates it and makes remarks that fit the story well. He's sort of sarcastic at times. It was released in '66, so you guys should like it. Of course, I never see the opening credits... You guys just get to see what I saw.

Keith: *perks up* Is there lost of surf music?

Yeah. Surf style instrumentals. No actual surf music like Jan and Dean or the Beach Boys.

Keith: Whatever. I love surf music.

Good! Let's get on with the clips, yeah?

First up, South Africa. The best place they found was Cape St. Francis. 

Keith: Whoa. I'd like to surf there! Although... I don't really know how to surf, eheh...

Roger: That place is really pretty. 70 degree weather and water year round? Ooh...

John: The waves are so small and perfectly shaped! Those are the stereotypical waves, other than the giant white-capped ones.

You'll see those later. These are called, down there anyways, "pipe waves" because they look like pipes. Day after day, they look like that.

John: Neat.

Pete: It's inspiring to me. It makes me want to write a rock opera about a kid that goes out to sea.

Keith: You kind of did that already.

Pete: When?

Keith: Quadrophenia.

Pete: Oh. Yeah. Well. Yeah.

Heh... Forgetful much? Don't answer that... Next up! MissMaccaSunshine will like this part. The boys are in New Zealand! But first, we do have to see them in Australia.

Keith: Let's see it!

John: "The men in grey suits. They like your body." I guess I'm a shark then.

Roger: Oh my God, John.

Pete: Those Aussies hanging body... I love it.

Keith: *in a bad Australian accent* You guys reeeeeeeeally missed it. You shoulda been here yesterday!

Pete: And that sums up both the bits from Australia AND New Zealand.

John: Can't forget how in New Zealand the swimsuits for the birds roll up and get lost! The lifeguards carry, what did he say...15 in a Band-aid box?! One of the boys, can't remember which now, kept getting distracted by them. Beautiful, man. Beautiful. Let's show 'em a picture of the suits, eh, Shaz?

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