Facing Demons

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Today is the day, Arabella thought dreadfully. After two months preparing for this one day, she knew she could never be fully equipped. She sighed as her eyes scanned her outfit in the mirror. Tears gathered in her eyes at just the thought of seeing him again.

Doubts clawed at her mind, raking back her biggest fears. Her thoughts were so raw at the moment she forgot where she was standing.

What if he comes home?

Her eyes widened at the thought she tried to keep buried for so long. She knew it wasn't likely, but it was possible. Very possible.

"Bella, honey, are you ready? We need to leave soon."

"Uh--yeah, mom. I'll be out in a minute." She called.

Her heart hammered in her chest as if trying to escape her beaten body. After another minute of standing in silence, she looked up into the mirror to peer into her own eyes.

He's beat you, but he hasn't beaten you.

With that thought in mind, Arabella found the courage to exit her bedroom. Her mom sat on the sofa, her elbows resting on her knees, and her hands covering her face. Last time her mom was in a courtroom, it was to get justice for her father's death.

"Mom... you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's get going." Her mom stood and led them both to her car.

Brendan said he'd meet her there, he had an emergency he didn't want to mention over the phone.

Upon arrival, Arabella's unsettling nerves skyrocketed. She began to shake, her breathing shallow. She felt her mom exit the car, but she couldn't bring herself to move. Her chest felt as if it were caving in on itself as she gasped for air.

"Bella, we need to hurry." Her mom's voice was drowning in and out of focus.

Air, there's no air.

Arabella felt herself began to panic more when she was brought to stand on her shaky legs.


She kept willing herself to breathe, but her lungs wouldn't listen. Every moment Kyle had touched her ripped through her mind. She couldn't stop the thoughts from tearing through her lungs. Her insides were shrinking in on themselves just as her brain was swelling in her head.

When she felt someone grab her shoulder, she blindly backed away from their touch. Don't let him hit your old wounds, she thought. She crouched down on her knees, and shielded herself from the expected blows.





Never let the pain slip past you lips.

Arabella felt herself being pulled upward. Without opening her eyes, she complied. She knew if she didn't, the consequences would be much worse. Standing on her shaking legs again, she shivered feeling hands on each side of her face. She flinched even though they were fairly gentle.

"Arabella, open your eyes." She opened them expecting sadistic, gray eyes. Instead, she was met with tired, hazel ones.

"M-mom?" Arabella croaked.

"What is wrong with you?" Although her mother's voice was soft, the sentence still chipped a piece of her shattered heart. Something is wrong with me. So very wrong.

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