The creatures: The Liv

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"The Liv"

Stories had been told about the Norse cosmos, wherein the tree Ygdrasil stood. Upon its branches, it cradled Asgard, the very fortress of the Aesir gods and goddesses, of whom Odin is the king.

Yggdrasil was formed out from the Well of Urd, a pool who held the most powerful forces of the cosmos. Among them are the Norns. They are the three sagacious maidens who shaped destinies by carving Runes into Yggdrasil's trunk.

Odin wanted to know about the runes and the powers of the Norns greatly. Thus, he committed himself and went towards the tree. There, he sacrificed and injured himself without any help to prove his worth to the tree, Yggdrasil.

At last, the Yggdrasil approved of his sacrifice and let him saw the runes and the knowledge behind it.

Freya, the goddess of magic and the one who wield the magic Seidr, also wanted to know about the Runes. Odin made a deal to Freya, and said in exchange he wanted the knowledge about the magic Seidr too.

During World War II, The Midgardians hadn't known some of the forces they were fighting. All they knew was that the enemy was far more advanced than them.

Not that the mortals were lame. No, they were outnumbered. They did the very best they could. They made various battle plans, but unfortunately, it was still the same. They still couldn't defeat them.

Until, it came to their mind that they were monsters, some sorts of aliens away from Earth.

Many died in battle. Mourning came to families who had loss greatly. Freya, the leader of the Valkyries had the right to claim all the brave souls who had died in the war. As she called them up, she was saddened by the number of all the brave souls who had died...

In a war, they hadn't known.

She pitied them. Freya was also the goddess of war and love. Although she was a very beautiful goddess, she was also respected by warriors and men. Freya had knowledge about battles, and as she looked down at Midgard, she knew very well that their enemy was not of Earth.

Freya went down to Midgard and chose the worthy ones. They were twelve of them. She had granted them the knowledge of all the Runes she had learned from Odin, also in return for their loyalty to her. It was then and there, the mortals had successfully defeated the enemy.

As Odin knew about what Freya had done - He never liked the idea of mortals knowing how to wield magic especially the Runes. He tried all his might to take away all the Runes... But, he only tried.

Freya had protected the Chosen - securing the Runes she had given to them. She knew that Odin wouldn't stop until the twelve were powerless, so she lied to him and told the Chosen to go unknown and invisible to the society.

Thus they became "The Hidden Children". They were often mistaken as magicians, witches or sorcerers but they were elementals. They used the Runes to translate their powers in a great circle underneath their feet called a "Crown", controlling the four elements of Earth.

There are secret pathways passages and hidden trails that led to Liventra - the humble abode to all the Liv. This race was neighbor to the Fey. Keeping the feys in check was one of their priority as well. Their world was different and to get there, one should open a Trod.

The Livs were masked with the power of the Crown called Clandestine. Their civilization grew secretly but they camouflaged with Midgardians. Each type of their civilization was scattered all over Earth, from Asia to Europe to America and all other places.

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