□ fear

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"Oooh... Okay, then why do they look so... You know?" Loraine pointed at an old man who was actually grinning at Odin, like they were really close. He had the same features with Odin, but he was older and less pudgy.

The night was growing deeper but the masquerade was alive as ever. She guessed it might have been midnight already, but still, the Deities were drinking and dancing and laughing all around. Though, some were still staring daggers at Loki and whispering behind his back.

What frightened Loraine most was this one Deity who was perched on the corner with a serious face on Loki as he continued on sharpening his knife, like he was threatening him.

"Hmm..." Loki pondered and squinted his green eyes. "Because that's his father... Borr," he replied.

And Loraine shifted his eyes from the Deity-with-the-knife. "His father?!"


"I thought his father was dead."

Loki looked at her like he couldn't believe what she had said. "Really?" He smirked. "Well my sweet, gods don't die that easily. They reincarnate from time to time."

She pursed her lips. "Er, yeah, maybe, but I think I forgot." She shrugged. "And is that woman her mother?" The woman smiled at Odin the whole time, she too had a wrinkled face, but she was gorgeous with her curly white hair and her eyes shifting from red to amber.

Loki's eyes hardened as if something wasn't right for her to say that. "Yes. Her mother... Well, her mother is a jotun."

Loraine choked from her pink-champagne and locked eyes with him. Seriously? "Her mother's a jotun? A freaking Jotun?"


"And you didn't tell me?"

He dropped his sight and stared at his plate on the table. "Had you asked me, I would have."

"Yeah right," she scoffed. "So, you have something in common with him. Oh my gosh! Loki!" She chuckled, seeming as if the champagne had caught her drunk. "You and he aren't that different at all."

He glanced at her. "Are you saying we're that close now?" He raised an eyebrow. "Because we're not, Loraine and sadly, nothing is gonna change that."

She didn't actually mean to sound it like that. She was just really overwhelmed by the fact that he and Odin had something in common. "Im sorry, I just... Thought..." She sighed. "Okay."

Loki sliced the roast beef from his plate and ate it. Then he drank his wine, leaving his lips red and welcoming Loraine's sight. She blushed as Loki caught her staring.


"You don't need to say sorry my dear." He gave her a smile.

Those lips, she pondered for awhile.

Then out of the corners of her eyes, she saw the Deity-with-the-knife walking towards them. Quickly, Loraine shifted to protection-mode. She stood just as the Deity arrived in front of them. Thor, who was still with Freya, looked at the three of them.

"Well, well, I guess you two are one heck of a lovebird," he mocked. The Deity had a long brown hair spilling from his head to his shoulder. He also had a brown goatee.

"Tyr, how are we?" Loki smirked. "Do we have a problem?"

So, he's name is Tyr. Something rang from her mind. Tyr, the god of war, she thought.

"You." He pointed at Loki harshly and looked at Loraine. "You seriously think this night won't end up in a disaster?"

"I don't think of it sir. I'm sure of it."

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