■ trust

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Odin, in his throne, still did not trust this girl. He was already left with nothing to do but to give up and do as what Loraine said. From the moment she had argued and used a provoking manner on her tone, his mind turned like hinges unlocking, sensing that this girl was to be kept somewhere near his sight - To see to it that this particular Liv, Midgardian, and at the same time, would not break her assertion.

It wasn't really that he despised the Liv, his intentions only were to have the Earth balanced out, that was why he tried casting away the Liv. But as he seemed to think about Earth - with all these superheroes coming out of nowhere, to all these high technologies and chemicals that transformed beings to supers... He might as well let this Liv blend in to them - After all, he couldn't just wash out all of the supers and the Liv to make it all balance out again.

He smiled oddly at her, perhaps it turned to be odd for part of him didn't want to smile down at her, but part of him needed to. "My... Pleasure..." He coughed down the word. "You are all dismissed." Sif bowed down and took off.

"But!" Thor interrupted, his voice flailing around the walls in an echoing manner. "I will need to speak with you Lady Livenstrelle." He said and made a gesture on his hands to the guards. All of them marched down to the side of the room, slammed their spears, and stood so still like soldiers in London.

Oh now his using her Liv surname?

"And to you too my son... Loki." Frigga chimed in. She didn't hesitate for an answer. She hurriedly went down the stairs, her dress flowing as she moved, and as soon as she was in front of Loki, she hugged him tightly in a motherly way, talked a little to him with her hands flying to his hair and to his arms, checking him as Loki only grumbled, trying to say that he was alright, and then softly, she nudged him to follow her where they could talk privately.

Thor cleared his throat, and Loraine peeled her gaze off Frigga and Loki to him. "Frigga is a sweet mother..." She complimented.

"Yes she is." He replied and stepped nearer to her, glancing at the two, then back to her again. "I need to speak to you."

As expected.

"Come." He insisted and led her away from Loki and Frigga. He stared at Loraine, examining every slight detail that could've changed her when she went to the dungeons.


"I suppose you have something to tell me?" He arched an eyebrow.

A nervous sweat trickled her back. "And what should it be?"

Thor scoffed. "Oh please don't play coy with me Livenstrelle."

She held up a hand. "Since when did you know my Liv surname? And how did Odin know it?"

"I am the one who asks questions here." He snapped. " You may have told Odin about the bilgesnipe, but you didn't tell him what happened in the dungeons."

Her mind was panicking. "Okay... It was boring so?"

"Loraine!" He called out so loud, it made her blink. "Don't lie to me."

"Im not lying."

"Then you are hiding secrets from me. "

"I-I..." Her gaze fell.

"What is it?"

She inhaled a shaky breath. There was no way she would tell him about the kiss. It was too shameful and it felt like it was too personal. "When I was on my way there..." She started. "I saw the creatures my ancestors fought long ago..." She stared at the ground.

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