three ↠ the confrontation

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soooo i'm finally getting comments and i'm screaming inside. i was soooo scared that people wouldn't like this book. i remember a couple years ago when i was getting popular with my sucky af books and it doesn't feel as good as it does now. thank you all so much for this! you inspire me to write.


Maya's P.O.V.


Adrenaline was soaring through my body, anger and confusion tingling at my toes and sparking at my fingertips. I didn't know why this was so important to me--- was it the embarrassment? Or the fact that I was someone's charity case? Yeah, the latter sounds about right.

The boy, who had grown damn near a foot since the last time I actually spoke to him, swirled around, his head poking up from the sea of girls who refused to part for the fiery blonde ball of anger that I seemed to have represented storming down the hall. He could obviously see the fire in my eyes.

As one of their precious kings turned, the rest of the harem did as well, including the other two boys. The girls gave me a look of disgust, that of which I ignored, shoving them aside while I raised my small arm to shake the knitted-to-perfection sweater in his face. 

"What the hell is this?" I questioned him, narrowing my eyes as I cornered him further, his lanky legs stepping back until he was pinned against the lockers.

"It's a sweater...? What about it?"

"Why did you put it in my bag??" I growled at him, hearing a chorus of over-dramatized gasps ring out around us. Oh my, how dare anyone confront the king? 

The boy's eyes went wide, his teeth slipping out to nibble on his lip. "Uh, can we talk about this in private?" I saw one of his friends go in to intervene, but I sent a quick kick to his shin, glaring at him. He knew to stand back.

I turned my attention back to the much taller, lankier boy. "No---Tell. Me." My voice ricocheted with anger and frustration.

"You.. It's freezing outside and I saw a hole in your sweater. I didn't want you to get sick... What's the problem with that?" He seemed so innocent, but I didn't believe a single bit of it. I know the people at this school, I know how they can be with their fucked up jokes and pranks. This had to be one of them.

"I'm not some fucking charity case. You can keep your sweater, Minkus." I tossed the material to his face, going to walk away. I was two steps away from breaking through the crowd of girls that had circled around us when I felt a cold sensation on my wrist. The little fucker grabbed me. I swirled around, a blue fire burning in my irises. "What the hell do you want?"

He seemed to be tripping over his words. "I--- Just---" I didn't give him a chance to finish. I ripped my hand away, ignoring the constant and repetitive glares being sent my way, and jumped away. I pushed damn near six girls out of my way before I was home free, storming back down the hall in the direction I came from.

The rest of the day I could feel blind stares burning into the back of my head. I couldn't sit still, not with these aching nerves sparking at my fingertips. I wanted to strangle someone, just to get the anger out, but I can't risk another detention. Or expulsion.

The second that dismissal bell rung out, I was dashing to my locker, dumping my books in, and running out to my truck. I can't count how many times I almost slipped on the parking lot's many free-for-all ice patches. I also can't count how many times I heard someone make a blonde joke about it. Fucking assholes.

I was damn near home free, my key was in the slot, I was seconds away from turning it, and then something had to ruin it. More specifically, someone.

"Hey! Hart! Wait up, please!"

I. am. the. worst. author. ever. 

I'M SO SORRY. It was finals weeks, and I was lazy, and I'm dumb, and I just--- you guys deserve better.

I wanted this to be so much longer, but I wanted to update as fast as I could. I'm gonna try and get another small chapter up either by tonight or tomorrow night, just a filler chapter, but it's better than nothing I guess.

Please love me.


- dani <3

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