seven ↠ the ride

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Maya's P.O.V.

Just by the smell of the car, I knew it was new. Truthfully, I should've known that from the start. Both of us were in our junior year, only recently finding our way upon our intermediate license, the only time we'd truly need a vehicle of our own. Minkus was loaded, the whole school knew that— fancy sweaters and brand new shoes each semester, it was a no brainier, even for the newer kids at John Adams. But he never made a move to flaunt it.

I threw the thought to the back of my mind, tossing my tattered bag to the floorboard as I hopped in. I was a bit uncomfortable, not just because I was in Farkle Minkus' car, but because Farkle Minkus was in the car, just a seat away. He made no hesitation to pull out of his parking space and zoom out of the lot, only waiting for me to buckle in. I half expected him to make a quirky quip at me, something around the lines of never thought you'd give in, Hart, but he merely smiled, turning onto the road.

I wanted the ride to be silent, but in the presence of the ever-pestering boy beside me, why would that ever happen. 

"So, I know where Riley lives, I'm assuming you're in the same apartment building?"

Even the sound of her name hit me like a ton of bricks. Everyone at John Adams knew that the days of Riley and Maya were over, though hardly anyone knew why. That was the kicker. "Look, I don't know how you never got the memo, but Riley and I aren't friends, so please don't mention her name again. But no, not the same building. It's right around the block from it, less richy, more broke down." A sigh left my lips, shoulders slumping down in the seat and eyes casting towards the window. I was still hoping for a mostly-silent ride, but the great Farkle Minkus has other plans.

"I'm sorry..." The sound of sincerity sounded from the boys lips, but I didn't react. Sorry meant nothing to me. "Back in freshman year I always saw you two together... I guess I just never noticed when it faded away."

I chose not to respond. Memories from my younger years were already too constant, probably reanimated by the scent of Minkus— it filled the car. The smell resembled something from middle school, back when everyone was buddy-buddy, like it meant something.

I could see the streets of New York passing by, cabs zooming down the street, bystanders waiting on the sidewalk for a cab of their own. It was my home, and while I loved it, it was only ever truly beautiful at night when the neon lights and stars overtook the pollution and noise.

Farkle granted me peace for the rest of the car ride, probably getting the hint that I wasn't much of a talker, with him at least. So as we pulled up to the building I had quite brilliantly pointed out with a silent finger and a nod in the general direction, I turned back to the boy. The car was placed in park and his eyes met mine.

"Thanks for the ride, I guess. But don't think this means we're friends or anything, I just needed something and you happened to have it."

I didn't expect the laugh that emitted from his lips. "Wow, you really have a hard time accepting help from others, don't you? I'm happy to help Maya, no matter how stubborn you are with how you receive it." A smile washed over his face, one that I didn't necessarily hate. "I'm not going to shove the sweater down your throat, but please bundle up, ok? I don't like seeing you freezing in class."

My lips parted. I wanted to say something, maybe a witty remark or a bad comeback, but nothing came out. And I didn't know why. For a moment, I just stood there, looking at this stupid high school boy, but in good time I was able to grab my bag and step out of the car. I was ready to march away and slam the front door behind me, but I turned, and I took one final look at the stubborn boy who, while I hate to admit it, just saved my ass.

"Bye, Minkus."

And with that, I shut the door and daunted to my front door, refusing to let myself look back.


It is 11:45 pm and I just found my muse for this book again. It's fall break, so I thought I would give you guys something, anything! So here this is. It's kinda short and mobile-made, so there's no graphic, but I'll be sure to add one when I go home sometime in the next two days.

For those of you who haven't given up on this book and it's shitty, slow writing author, I just wanna say thank you.

This book has become so much more popular than I ever expected, and I have you guys to thank for that.

I will try to update again soon, I love you guys.

- dani <3

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