two ↠ the sweater

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just a quick little authors note i realized i never mentioned maya's name in the first chapter (though i don't know why i would have to since it's a fanfiction) but i went back and added a small sentence where it mentions her name, and the name of her pov! also, i'm only a sophomore in high school so i legit have no idea what happens in physics class, so bear with me

Maya's P.O.V

Class ensued almost instantly after Mr. Matthews ended the announcements. Mrs. Monroe jumped into her usual beginning-of-class lecture talking about the wonders of Physics. I dazed off, as usual, my pen gliding against my empty paper. It wasn't too long before a picture began to come together.

I heard ruffling behind me, interrupting what I've come to refer to as my "Inner Zen". I did my best to ignore it, though when snickering bubbled from the back corner of the room, I couldn't help my wandering eyes. A group of boys sat giggling in their seats, mouths quirked up in whispers. I saw a few of them pointing, and as I followed the direction, I realized they were pointing at me. I turned my head, full on glaring at them. Once they saw me, their eyes grew wide and they zipped their lips.


I turned back around, crossing my arms and scrunching down lower in my seat, hoping to shrink away from the world. I had come to school in a bad mood, and this definitely wasn't helping. But I couldn't show how bad I felt— no matter what, I had to keep my head held high. I'm Maya Hart. I've been through more than any of these people could have even imagined, and a couple of assholes in Physics wasn't going to bring me down.

Students all around me began bending down, scrounging their backpacks for something that I hadn't heard we needed, but once I saw text books being tossed onto desks, I knew what it was. I bent down myself, unhooking the magnet clip of my backpack. Reaching in, I expected to feel the rough, hardback covers of the many books this school issues each year, but as my fingers grazed something soft and warm, my eyes snapped down.

Stuffed inside my backpack sat a cloth. Confused, I gripped it gently, pulling it out enough to see what it really was— A sweater. Had I grabbed an extra this morning? Had my inner conscience known I would need it? I asked myself question after question, but feeling the soft, obviously new material, I knew it couldn't have been mine. 

My eyes scanned the classroom, looking for anyone who might have left it there. Knowing this school, it could be some kind of trap, luring me into embarrassment. Though, my blue eyes caught no sight of falter. They all seemed to be staring straight ahead, towards Mrs. Monroe. I furrowed my caterpillar-like brows, slowly stuffing the sweater back into my bag, completely forgetting about the Physics book that I had originally been reaching to grab.

I zoned out for the rest of class, counting down the seconds until the transition bell ran. Once the sirens wailed out around the school,  I jumped up, grabbing my bag and pushing my way through the crowd at the door. I mall walked my ass to the bathroom, slamming the big door shut and locking it. I heard a few squeals from the girls outside, all who no doubt were coming in here to tidy up their makeup. Too bad, bitches.

I threw my bag onto the counter, snatching the sweater. I held it up, the striped pattern looking familiar. Where the hell did this thing come from? It wasn't there when I walked into physics, so some dick head had to have thrown it into my bag. But why?

My head scanned through everyone I could remember being in Physics near me while I kept glancing over the sweater. It was oversize, cashmere no doubt, with a perfectly sewn crew neck. I looked over the patterns and colors— god, it was so familiar. I knew I'd seen it before.

An idea popped into my head— what kind of people wear these cashmere sweaters? The prissy rich ones. And what do those prissy rich kid's mothers do to their tags? Stitch their name. Or at least, I've heard they do...

My fingers scrambled to find the tag in the sweater, nearly getting stuck in the process. I finally saw it, snatching it into my hand and flipping it over. The name, stitched with black thread, perfect cursive, and the company brand stamped beside it blew me away.


What the hell? Since when does Farkle Fucking Minkus shove sweaters into random people's bags? It didn't make sense, and quite frankly, I didn't know if I wanted to make sense of it. But then it hit me.

The holes.

Oh hell no. I grabbed the sweater, slinging my bag around my shoulder and storming out of the bathroom. The line for the girl's bathroom had piled up, and when I came busting out, I heard shouts and curses, maybe even a hiss or two. They could kiss my ass for all I care.

I daunted down the hallway, most of the students parting like the red sea when they saw my face. I was known for my outbursts, and most didn't want to be included in one.

It wasn't hard to find who I was looking for. There was a crowd around them, nearly a dozen fawning girls, all ready to sell their soul for even just a taste of the Big Three. God, they were pathetic. They didn't part like the rest of the hall, they stayed glued to their toys. Looks like I was going to have to get someone's attention.


and there it is! I hope this wasn't too boring, but i'm trying to build it up! i don't want to just dive right in, what's the fun in that?

anyways! i'm gonna try posting once or twice every week until christmas/new years/winter break, which is in, if i have my days right, 2 1/3 - 3 weeks! i posted on monday last week, so today is tuesday of the next week. i think i'm doing good!

well, don't be a silent reader! tell me what you think of it <3 see you next week, or sooner!

- dani <3

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