fourteen ↠ the snow war

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this chapter is dedicated to xingase for the incredible new cover! i know the cover doesn't match the hair color of our main character but i thought the cover was too pretty to mess with so,,, yeah it's staying. thank you so much for the beautiful cover!


The ringing bell swarmed the crowd like a siren, causing every pair of eyes to snap forward and focus on the small figure ahead. Isadora Smackle stood small but powerful in her layering coats and purple snow boots. Head of the student council, she seemed almost prideful as she caught everyone's attention. 

"We now commence the traditional Snow Wars of John Adams High." The girl spoke oh so formally, chin high and eyes scanning the sea of frozen students. "We have the leaders of the Alpha Team, the champions of our last War. They were only freshman, but they took lead and brought their team victory. A round of applause for Farkle Minkus, Lucas Friar, and Isaiah Babineaux."  A twinge of a smile flickered on her lips as she said the last name, and everyone knew why. Nevertheless, the three boys took a step towards the girl, turning towards the crowd as they went wild, only a few of the beta members who held a grudge kept quiet. 

Maya's eyes darted towards the boys, eyes landing on the happiest of the three. Farkle kept a sparkling grin on his face, eyes wide and alert like an addict preparing their next fix. Soccer season ended a month or two ago, and Maya was sure this was the next best thing to Farkle. 

"As the reigning champions," Isadora continued, "they will pick the first five of their team members." A small nod sent the boy's way, and they knew what to do. 

Huddling together, Maya lost sight of Farkle. The crowd grew wary with whispers as the boys commenced their whispering, only glimpses of their furrowed faces was enough to give Maya the idea--- This was serious. Moments pass this way, worried faces and swarming whispers. Maya had to admit, she went to one dramatic school. 

Suddenly, they all went silent. The boys had finally turned to the crowd, ready to chose their first five. 

The first voice to boom over the crowd was Lucas, "The first five are Regina James,"

"Khalil Hayes." Farkle's voice perked up, two bodies breaking from the crowd. 

"Josh Matthews." It was Zay this time, carrying his voice over the crowd as another student moved to the center, huddling behind the boys. Maya knew this guy, unlike the other two. Childhood memories flashed before her eyes, the familiar sight of Riley's apartment, a boy who she couldn't remember--- was he Riley's uncle? Maybe her cousin. Either way, Maya instantly diverted her attention elsewhere, a Matthews not being her favorite sight. 

Lucas' voice resurfaced, "Riley Matthews." His face held a wide grin, the crowd pausing to let the star couple make their reunion. Maya nearly gagged in her mouth. 

She wished they would just get on with it, instead of dragging it out--- more importantly, dragging her through it. It was only then, as she sighed and ran a gloved hand through her hair, that her eyes caught sight of another pair focused on her. It was Farkle.

The final name hadn't been called. It was his turn to say a name. And he was staring directly at her. 

She could feel her heart racing as the seconds ticked by like hours, fear and surprise mixing into a cluster. Should she be pissed? Grateful. Who the fuck knew, it was happening either way.

"Maya Hart." 

Nearly half an hour, two clusters of teens, and a giant gong later, the teams were nearly ready for battle. Maya had submerged herself between the forts, suckered into making snowballs for the main throwers while the brown leather jacket remained tucked beneath her arm. Her gloved hands continued to work while her eyes scanned the area. Nearly every student from John Adams high showed up today, most clad in over-sized hoodies and beanies that barely covered their ears. It was cold out, but no one seemed to care. 

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