thirteen ↠ the snow day

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beware! this chapter will switch back and forth between third-person-maya and third-person-farkle, since youve mostly seen everything from either maya's pov or her own special eye in the sky, so this way you guys will get to see more of farkle's life! this is kinda an excuse to include other characters more sooooo theres that!


Blaring alarms and the feeling of warmth were the the two things to finally wake Maya from her deep, dream-filled sleep. The room remained dark as she hesitantly cracked her eyes open, expecting the glaring light from her windows to blind her. Fortunately, she was met with nothing more than a mellow glow around the room, harboring patches of sunlight scattered across her view.

Upon further inspection, the groggy blonde found that this wholeful sight wasn't caused by the sun's late arrival, as she could tell quite clearly that the tops of her windows were fully illuminated, but rather, by the piling stacks of snow that cradeled her window panes.

A groan erupted from the girl's mouth as she rose to sit up, her foot slipping out from beneath the covers, a sting from the sudden loss of heat. It was only then that she realized her shoulders were still clad in a jacket, one so familiar.

It was Farkle's.

"Like I said before, I hate seeing you shaking from the cold," he swung the coat around her shoulders before she could even think about retaliating, a string of low, soft words spewing from his lips. "Especially if I can do something about it."

She watched him walk away, arms protected with only a thin sleeve, her jaw hanging low and her eyes wide. She couldn't react, couldn't possibly think of a single way to retaliate whatever the hell he just did to her. All she could do was just stand there, watching him walk away while the scent of his cologne filled her senses.

It took another five minutes until the girl could compose herself enough to trudge her way through the further piling snow and hop into the driver's side of her truck. From there, she tried to regain her thoughts, emotions and thoughts roaming free within the stiff, frozen teen.

"What the fuck?" Was all she could muster, her movements finally beginning to jerk into action as she slammed the shift into gear, blazing her way home.

The memory triggered yet another groan from the girl, slowly shuffling her shoulders out of the brown leather coat, tossing it to the opposite side of her bed. She couldn't even remember how she had fallen asleep in it. She was far too exhausted once she got home that night, she had probably just passed out completely, absentmindedly leaving the warm, comfortable jacket among her sleep attire.

Another 5 minutes of moaning and groaning her way around the room, Maya finally seemed to gather her thoughts, peering out through her mostly blocked windows, peering down to the streets--- covered in layers of snow, only to be packed down by the hundreds of cars that refused to be stopped by something so minuscule as a wall of snow.

The piles looked high, and it didn't seem like they were going to shrink any time soon, at least, according to the raging snow storm that seemed to have consumed New York. The wind seemed to be calm, at least.

Questions began to form in Maya's head, quickly darting towards her phone to check their weather report. Almost instantly, her phone was being attacked by various alerts, all screaming two simple words.


"Fuck!" Maya groaned, throwing her phone barreling towards her bed, a huff erupting from her lips, along with another string of curses.

sweater weather ↠ markleWhere stories live. Discover now