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  "Oh, hey, Melissa!"

  "Hi, weirdo. You actually waited out here for me?"


  "My boyfriend probably wouldn't do that. He'd say something like,'It's too cold!' or, It's too hot!'"

  "Speaking of your wonderful boyfriend, those flowers are for him, right?"

  "Yep. My family runs a small flower-shop downtown. Today I'm bringing Joseph some Snapdragons."

  "You're too good to him. He doesn't deserve you."

  "Don't say that! I love him, and he loves me. H-He does plenty of things for me, anyways. Your point is invalid. There's no evidence."

  "And where's the evidence to back up your claim?"

  "Shut up. I thought that I would be nice today. Apparently not."

  "Well, tell me a little bit about him. What's it like to have a boyfriend?"


"I'm waiting."

"You've got to be in highschool, so you must know the feeling. The feeling of seeing your soulmate everyday."

"I've only seen my soulmate for two days."

"I'm not single. Look, you tell me about your life, and I'll tell you about mine."

"Fine. Of course I've had crushes, all of which have never truly loved me the same way I had to them. I've never had a girlfriend. I've never taken it to what people call the 'next level'."

"Wow. That's slightly interesting. I've had too many to count. These days, it's really hard to tell who'll love you forever, you know?"

"Tell me about it."

"I think I've found the one, though."


"Joseph! He always tells me that I'm beautiful, and he says that he'll always be there for me! He even puts my flowers into little vases."

"What a letdown."

"I've got to go. Bye, Edward."

"Bye, weirdo."

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