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The cover for this story was made by etoniv formerly known as -DrawingUniverse-

Earth, home to the human race and home to the things people use on a daily basis. Cars, electricity, communication, and business, all of these began to flourish because of technology. Technology has gotten so advanced it shaped the way ordinary people do normal things. One year all of that hard work, all that advancement went to waste. That year the one thing humans relied on the most, technology, completely stopped working.

Many people tried to get it back up and running again, but one by one they all failed. Soon riots were formed in a outrage of technology stopping, the people claimed it was the government's fault, buildings were destroyed in the protest soon the army showed up. Many were killed, both civilians and soldiers, and after thousands of people dying, needless bloodshed, people gave up hope, they gave up living the way they used to and tried to adapt to a new world, a world without technology. New civilizations were formed and flourished. There was no form of authority ever since the protest. During the chaos all the main bodies of authority everywhere went under, they collapsed, destroyed from the angry people wanting their normal lives back.

One group of people rose up and decided that they would be that authority and help the people cope with no technology. Everything went well until a devastating plague swept over the lands killing all who were infected, the elderly, the children, the newborns, even the teenagers. Many tried having babies but the newborns always died within a matter of weeks because of the lack of medicine and technology to keep the newborn healthy.

Lucas, a 3 year old boy, was the only known survivor of the infected. Soon, word got the the higher ups that a lone survivor of the plague was in the land. As an act of desperation, the people of authority took the kid as their own leaving the family childless as their only living child was whisked away to the home of the higher ups. Lucas was treating as a delicacy, a fragile being that was to be treasured.

Lucas was sheltered growing up and would have barely anyone to talk to besides the ones he calls "mother" and "father". Once and a while he would talk to the guards but they rarely ever held a conversation with him. Once Lucas was in his early teenage years he became more curious and nosy, which would get him in trouble by the guards and his "parents".

Lucas, who is now 18, is fed up with his sheltered lifestyle and wants to leave his home, to explore the world, to see all the things that there are to offer. Little does he know that he will have to endure many hardships for him to uncover the many things his "parents" have hidden from him.

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