Chapter 9

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I stared at the stranger in front of me. I can't help but let my emotions get the best of me. I let a few tears shed from my eyes.

"What do you mean my best friend?" I questioned. "I have no idea who you are. I still don't recognize you."

"We grew up together. We were neighbors in Dewcrest. I was a couple years older than you, but I never let that get in the way of our friendship." Cole explained.

I took a step back and Cole took a step forward making himself more visible because of the light the campfire is giving off. Cole had short milky brown hair and vivid green eyes that shone like emeralds.

"Please remember Lucas. You were so innocent when we were kids and I can tell you still are today." Cole said tearing up.

"How old was I?" I asked.


"How old was I? When I was taken. And how old were you?" I repeated.

"You were three years old. You most likely don't remember anything from then since you were so young. I was six when you left unwillingly. I remember that day so vividly like it had happened only a couple days ago."

"Cole.... What did you do after I left?"

"I vowed to find you and rescue you. I trained and trained until I could one day bring you back home." Cole said "and now all that has not gone to waste. With you joining the resistance, we can finally take down the dictators and free everyone from a life of fear."

I noticed Cole had tears falling from his emerald colored eyes as he spoke with heart and courage. He is passionate about taking down who I thought were mother and father.

"We need you Lucas. Without out you to help lead us, to give us faith, we are lost and will stay lost forever." Cole said.

"This is a lot to take in at once. You know a lot about this don't you? I'll join on one condition." I said.

"And that is?"

"You answer any question I ask. Dumb as it may seem I know nothing of the world around me and I'd like to find out more about it."

"You've saved us all Lucas. Everyone in the world thanks you." Cole said shaking my hand.

I took my hand back from Cole and started to wake Silva and the horse up in case we needed to leave.

"About that... you said you know why I survived the plague. What do you know about that?" I asked.

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