Chapter 12

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I took a deep breath then exhaled. Here goes nothing. I walked into the main room where Cole and the woman stood in. The woman was washing dishes by hand. She looked up at me and dropped the plate on the ground shattering it into many pieces.

"My baby boy." The woman said in tears now. "Lucas, you're alive. I've missed you so much."

She ran over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. She began sobbing and thanking Cole simultaneously.

"Lucas this is your real mother, Lily." Cole said.

I looked at him and he had a smile with his arms crossed. He seemed like he accomplished something, finally finished a goal he had started a very long time ago.

"I'm so happy you're here." My mother said calming down, "if only your father were here to see you."

"Wait, what happened to him? He couldn't have passed away, I was here a couple days ago!" Cole interrupted.

I looked back at my mother who was started to cry once more. If Cole hadn't spoken up I would have assumed that he had passed away.

"He... he..." My mother said crying once more.

"Mom. What happened to dad?" I asked.

"He was taken by the Order of the Virus, they entered by force and asked us where we hid it. At the time we had no idea so they took him. I can only imagine that they plan on executing him." My mother said. "Now that you're here Lucas, the IT they were talking about was you."

"Wait. What is the Order of the Virus?"

"The people who decided it was up to them to restore peace everywhere. Which is ironic because they are the ones causing all the trouble. In other words the ones you called mother and father, are the leaders of the Order of the Virus." Cole explained.

"So they're pissed that I escaped? And they think I was assisted?" I asked. "But nobody helped me escape. I planned it myself and made it out myself."

"But you don't know Lucas. There were many failed attempts at breaking you out, resulting in many resistance members deaths." My mother explained.

"And they were top members as well. Good people ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good." Cole said.

Cole is dedicated to the resistance it seems like. For him to be going around freely makes me wonder what his ranking is.

"Lucas, if we are to save your father we need to act now. Cole said heading towards the front door. I followed behind reluctantly.

"But we will need help all that we have is Silva, you, and myself."

Cole grinned. "Lily can take care of our number disadvantage for us. Won't you Lily?"

"I'll rally the resistance for you Cole." My mother said.

"Thanks Lily." Cole said to my mom. "Let's go Lucas."

Cole and I ran out heading who knows where, Silva eventually caught up with us once we were outside of Dewcrest. I trust where Cole is leading me but I still can't get over what my mom said. Why would she rally the resistance just for Cole? He didn't even ask her to, she just knew. Is there something about the resistance I don't know yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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