Chapter 1

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I stared at myself in the mirror. I had my normal clothes on, a typical T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I looked at my face, short dark brown hair and blue eyes. I had a decent facial structure but I don't know much about that because I only know what Mother and Father look like. I let out a long sigh and walked out of the bathroom. My life is so boring, nothing to do, nobody to talk to. Occasionally I get to talk with one of the guards, Dane, every now and then but I still get bored.

I walked back to my bed and laid down. My parents treat me like I'm breakable. My room consists of my own bathroom and my bed and closet. Not to mention that it's a small room so I barely have room for anything else in it.

"Lucas? Lucas can you come here for a moment?" My mother called out from my door.

"Yes mother."

I got up and walked to my door. I turned the knob opening it revealing my mother. She is in her early forties and is slightly shorter than I am, maybe around five feet seven inches. Her semi-long black hair just reaching below her shoulders and her brown eyes gleaming from the daylight.

"What is it you need mother?"

"I just want to let you know that your father will be gone for a few days for leadership reasons. He said that he will be back in no longer than a week."

"Okay, is that all?"

"Yes it is. Now go back into your room please."

I closed my door and waited for her to lock it. Because they are so protective of me, my parents have my door lockable from the outside instead of the inside. I'm basically in a prison cell all hours of the day. I've been planning to escape for a while now. I would have made a run for it while mother was talking to me but she and my father always have guards behind them when they talk to me. Tonight is different because I'll escape for good.

I waited for the sun to go down and for my mother to come and tell me goodnight. After about five minutes I gathered all the necessities I would use such as: clothes, money, and a bag to carry all of it in. I climbed over to the window in my room. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, I am so nervous I shouldn't be doing this. I opened the window ever so carefully and ever so quietly. I never tried to escape so my parents never thought of reinforcing security near my window.

I climbed out quietly and scaled down the outside wall. Once I was on the ground I looked around for any possible routes to run in and avoid the patrolling guards. When I saw an opening I booked it and ran as fast as I could away from my home.

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